
干旱的危害,但是这种植物的生命力非常顽强,即使干旱也不会死亡,所以很多农民朋友都喜欢在自家的院子里种植一些这种植物 。不过这种植物虽然好养活,但是也有一些缺点,比如说它的繁殖能力非常强,如果不及时清理的话,很容易导致整个院子都长满了它 。而且这种植物还有一个特点点,那就是喜欢潮湿的环境,所以我们平时养护的时候一定要注意保持通风良好,否则很容易出现烂根的情况 。


一:干旱的危害有哪些火源是引起森林火灾的活因子 。当森林可燃物(如树叶、树枝、林下杂草等)的燃烧条件具备时,遇有火源,便会引起森林火灾的发生 。那么,连续干旱对森林燃烧有什么影响呢?
一般连续干旱时间越长,气温越高,相对湿度越小,林内可燃物就越干燥,愈容易发生森林火灾或酿成重大森林火灾 。
森林火灾是指失去人为控制,在林地内自由蔓延和扩展,对森林、森林生态系统和人类带来一定危害和损失的林火行为 。森林火灾是一种突发性强、破坏性大、处置救助较为困难的自然灾害 。森林火灾的破坏性比较强,危害很大,因此不管是国家还是林业部门以及气象部门,对森林火灾都非常重视 。森林火灾首先是对森林损坏极大,被烧毁的树木要经过若干年才能重新生长成型 。其次是严重破坏了生态环境,一些动物和微生物可能因此消失 。另外就是对人类造成经济损失,危害生命财产安全 。
因此,做好预防工作,有三点尤为重要 。
首先,要加强相关法律法规的宣传力度,提高广大干部群众的认识 。
其次,加强节假日火源管理,特别对春节、清明节期间燃放烟花爆竹、祭祀等活动的管理 。
最后是加强生产用火的管理控制,对南方炼山、烧荒等野外用火要有组织、有领导地进行,对北方一些地区在林区内的生活用火也需要严格控制 。
二:干旱的危害英语Drought cause
Generally, rainfall is related to the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere, combined with the upward forcing of the air mass containing that water vapor. If either of these are reduced, the result is a drought. This can be triggered by an above average prevalence of high pressure systems, winds carrying continental, rather than oceanic air masses (ie. reduced water content), and ridges of high pressure areas form with behaviors which prevent or restrict the developing of thunderstorm activity or rainfall over one certain region. Oceanic and atmospheric weather cycles such as the El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) make drought a regular recurring feature of the Americas along the Pacific coast and Australia. Guns, Germs, and Steel author Jared Diamond sees the stark impact of the multi-year ENSO cycles on Australian weather patterns as a key reason that Australian aborigines remained a hunter-gatherer society rather than adopting agriculture.[30]
Human activity can directly trigger exacerbating factors such as overfarming, excessive irrigation[31], Deforestation, and erosion adversely impact the ability of the land to capture and hold water.[32] While these tend to be relatively isolated in their scope, activities resulting in global climate change are expected to trigger droughts with a substantial impact on agriculture[33] throughout the world, and especially in developing nations.[34][35][36] Overall, global warming will result in increased world rainfall.[37] Along with drought in some areas, flooding and erosion will increase in others. Paradoxically, some proposed solutions to global warming that focus on more active techniques, solar radiation management through the use of a space sunshade for one, may also carry with them increased chances of drought.[38]
