centimeter怎么读?centimeters的读音( 二 )

or doctor actor work homework housework factory vistor author mirror our colour favourite colourful
the this that that’s father grandfather mother grandmother brother they they’re them there either then other together another with those these weather clothes
/?/ thank thanks mouth birthday three thirteen thirty fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth nineteenth twentieth thin Thursday healthy third north south month think theme thinner thing something bathroom path
ai rain rainbow wait rainy e-mail straight again paint train pain
ay birthday play may May day way stay away holiday always say today subway
air air chair stair hair pair air-conditioner fair
ear bear wear swear pear ere there where
ear ear hear dear near clear
eer deer cheer beer
ere here
oo school afternoon too balloon zoo cool room classroom washroom bedroom bathroom goose boots noon soon
ou soup group coup
a afternoon after banana dance last class glass grass grandma grandpa mama plant ask
ar sharpner farmer farm garden art artist warm park shark are card car hard market supermarket
y sky why spy sly fly cry try buy bye
igh light right high night might fight
ch much French chicken teach teacher watch peach chair children China Chinese which each match catch chopsticks
sh fish she short shorts English shirt shoes ship shop shopping wash washroom dishes shelf
16./ts/ ts shorts rabbits kites
17./tr/ tr tree
18./dr/ dr dress hundred 18./kw/qu question queen quiet
19./tw/ tw twenty twelve twelfth twentieth
oy boy toy
oi choice point
21/u/ sure poor
22./dz/ ds birds woods
23./?/ ng thing answering
24./w/ wh why where who what when
i thin think
y happy worry every country really sorry funny strawberry lovely library ready rainy windy snowy sunny cloudy pretty seventy twenty thirty forty many any healthy salty happy angry study
ay Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
/j/ y yellow yo-yo yeah yes
A [ei] B [bi:] C [si:] D [di:]
E e[i:] F [ef] G [d3i:]
H [eit∫] I [ai]
J j [d3ei] K k [kei]
L l [el] M m [em] N n [en]
O o [u] P p [pi:] Q [kju:] R [a:]
S [es] T [ti:]
U [ju:] V [vi:] W [′d∧blju:]
X [eks] Y [wai] Z [zi:][zed]
How then would this dinosaur have moved? 那么这种恐龙要如何移动呢?
From there you can look straight down to the dinosaur fossils displayed on the floor below. 从那儿往向下看,你可以看到陈列在地面上的恐龙化石 。
Like shark and dinosaur teeth they would break, but then regenerate. 它们就像鲨鱼和恐龙的牙齿一样会断裂,但也会再生 。
The winter cold hung in the air like a frozen dinosaur trying to thaw from his glacier and walk across the earth. 冬天的寒冷在空气中纠缠不去,就象被冰冻的恐龙想要从冰河里解冻出来走到地上一样 。
Scientist Sereno theorizes that crocodiles as a species survived the dinosaur era because of their agility on land and in the water. 科学家塞利诺的理论:鳄鱼作为一个能够生存在恐龙时代的物种,源于它们的在陆地和水中都很灵活 。
The dinosaur also learns from experiences such as staying away from things it doesn't like. 此外,这种恐龙还会领悟一些经验,比如它会远离自己不喜欢的事物 。
To have a visual reminder of an effects shot I’d seen in a movie, I’d use a toy spaceship or plastic dinosaur and try copying the shot, which gave me a print that I could study and hold. 为了实现我在一部电影里看到的一个特效镜头,我曾经用一个玩具宇宙飞船和塑料恐龙来复制那个镜头,这让我觉得也许我可以学习这方面的知识并坚持下去 。
