星期天兼职可以找什么做 15个周末工作和兼职增加你的收入

Full-time brand ambassador jobs exist, but many of these opportunities pop up on a part-time basis to support special events.
【星期天兼职可以找什么做 15个周末工作和兼职增加你的收入】全职品牌大使的工作是存在的 。但其中许多机会都是在兼职的基础上出现的 。以支持特殊活动 。
If you're the type of person who notices minute details -- such as the color and fold of napkins at a dinner party or wedding -- you might want to consider pursuing an event planner assistant gig.
如果你是那种会注意微小细节的人-比如晚宴或婚礼上餐巾的颜色和折叠-你可能会考虑寻求一份活动策划人助理工作 。
Many people romanticize working as a bartender.
许多人将酒保的工作浪漫化 。
Traditional nine-to-five, 40-hour-workweek jobs provide a stable, steady income for many Americans.
传统的朝九晚五、每周工作40小时的工作为许多美国人提供了稳定、稳定的收入 。
If you’re able to work your way up to a bartending gig, expect to make around $17.60 per hour between hourly pay and tips.
如果你能以工作的方式获得酒保工作 。预计时薪和小费之间的时薪约为17.60美元 。
To get started as a bartender, you can enroll in bartending classes; however, nothing can replace experience.
要开始成为一名调酒师 。你可以报名参加调酒班;然而 。没有什么可以取代经验 。
Focus groups are small gatherings of select individuals organized by market researchers to garner feedback on a specific product or topic.
焦点小组是由市场研究人员组织的精选个人的小型聚会 。以收集对特定产品或主题的反馈 。
Brand ambassadors can make anywhere from the minimum wage to $52 per hour, which is not bad for a side hustle that calls for you to support a brand you know and love.
品牌大使可以赚取从最低工资到每小时52美元的任何收入 。这对于呼吁你支持你知道和喜爱的品牌的侧面宣传来说并不坏 。
However, as any bartender will tell you, the job isn’t as easy -- nor as fun -- as it might seem.
然而 。正如任何酒保都会告诉你的 。这份工作并不像看起来那么容易-也不像看起来那么有趣 。
If you find yourself in the latter group, you’re in luck: Weekend jobs and side gigs are plentiful and variable.
如果你发现自己属于后者 。那你就很幸运了:周末的工作和副业很多 。而且多变 。
Brand ambassador

星期天兼职可以找什么做 15个周末工作和兼职增加你的收入

As an event planner assistant, you’ll be responsible for completing behind-the-scenes tasks that help make weddings, birthday parties and corporate events more run smoothly.
作为一名活动策划助理 。您将负责完成幕后任务 。帮助婚礼、生日派对和企业活动更顺利地进行 。
Some people, however, need to find ways to make a little extra cash on the side.
然而 。有些人需要找到方法来赚取一些额外的现金 。
Also know that event planner assistants are not event guests, meaning you will not partake in event happenings.
还要知道活动策划人助理不是活动客人 。这意味着您不会参与事件发生 。
What could be better than making drinks for friends, listening to a good playlist and pocketing cash tips?
还有什么比为朋友做饮料 。听一个好的播放列表和口袋里的现金小费更好的呢?
(By Beverly Bird)
Most will work as barbacks -- which involves carrying heavy buckets of ice and cases of alcohol -- before they make it to that coveted spot mixing drinks behind the bar.
大多数人在到达吧台后面令人梦寐以求的地方混合饮料之前 。都会作为Barback-需要搬运沉重的冰桶和一箱箱酒精-工作 。
You can make more depending on your venue and rapport with customers.
根据您的地点和与客户的融洽关系 。您可以赚更多的钱 。
Event planner assistant
Related: 12 Odd Jobs That Pay Surprisingly Well
Click through to see a few part-time jobs you can pursue to make more money.
点击查看一些兼职工作 。你可以追求更多的钱 。
If you’ve ever scrolled through the jobs section of Craigslist, you’ve likely seen a number of postings that call for a “brand ambassador” or “brand marketing representative.” According to Entrepreneur magazine, a brand ambassador is someone who is passionate about the brand, builds brand awareness and connects and engages with customers.
如果你曾经浏览过Craigslist的求职栏目 。你可能会看到很多招聘“品牌大使”或“品牌营销代表”的帖子 。根据“企业家”(Entrepreneur)杂志的说法 。品牌大使是指对品牌充满激情 。建立品牌认知度 。并与客户建立联系和参与的人 。
