

网站编辑总监Sara Nelson接受了不少采访 。听下来 。印象最深的是:这是一份手作的推荐清单 。没有用到点击率分析等技术手段;希望选的书有代表 。能引领读者通往更多的书 。而仔细读完这份清单会发现 。它最大的亮点在可读性 。比如里面会有《厨房机密》 。会有《天生就会跑》 。还有《饥饿游戏》《黄金罗盘》;比如毛姆选了《人性的枷锁》而不是《月亮和六便士》;比如没有莎士比亚但有大卫·伊格斯、安·帕切特、尤金尼德斯……它肯定不是一份西方正典清单 。但它接近阅读本身 。接近风土和人情 。因此 。这份清单恐怕比它涉及的书更值得一看 。
2013年的数据似乎还没出来 。但2012年 。我国出版物的品种是41万种 。——在这个背景下 。让我们带大家一起看看亚马逊的一百种必读书都是什么吧?
第一百本:《Where the Wild Things Are》
\"Where the Wild Things Are,\" one of the wildest and most memorable picture books ever created, is now a movie full of adventure and mystery?--?and huge hairy creatures. Follow Max, a rambunctious boy who feels misunderstood at home, as he sets out in a tiny boat, seeking new worlds across the sea. He lands on the incredible island of the wild things, a place where being a beast isn't a bad thing. The wild things make Max their king, and he reigns over a land of friendly battles, 100-foot-tall dogs, enormous forts, and amazing chases. But life on the island is full of challenges, too. The wild things expect a lot from their king, and if he doesn't please them, there's a good chance he'll be
