
比较级用于两个人或物之间的比较 。表示“较……”或“更……” 。标志词“than” 。通常用于两者之间的比较 。
最高级用于三者或三者以上的人或物之间的比较 。
tall---taller---the tallest
great---greater---the greatest
nice---nicer---the nicest
fine---finer---the finest
busy---busier---the busiest
heavy---heavier---the heaviest
4、重读闭音节结尾的单音节词 。若词尾只有一个辅音字母时 。须双写这个辅音字母再加er;est
big-bigger-the biggest
hot -hotter-the hottest
5、少数以-y,-er,-ow, -ble结尾的双音节词,末尾加-er,和-est(以-y结尾的词,如-y前是辅音字母,则变y为i,再加-er和-est;以-e结尾的词仍只加-r和-st)
easily--more easily--most easily
beautiful--more beautiful--the most beautiful
特殊点:(1)有些单音节词的比较等级常用more和most,如glad,fond,shy,sly(但like只可用more和most) 。
eg.I am not more glad than you.
我可没像你那样高兴 。Uncle Jack was more like a book of reference to my father.
杰克大叔对我父亲来说真是一部参考书 。
(2)有些单音节词用-er和-est或more和most皆可,如free,clear等 。
eg. I'm clearer/more clear about it than before.
对这事,我比以前更清楚了 。
(3)有些双音节词用-er和-est或more和most皆可,在当代英语中似有多用more和most的趋势,如:secure,cruel,pretty,lively等 。
eg.She looks prettier/more pretty with long hair than with short hair.
她留长发比留短发漂亮 。The patient seems a little livelier/more lively this morning.
这位病人今天早上精神似乎好些了 。
(4)分词形容词的比较等级一律用more和most 。
eg.I felt more tired this morning.
今天上午我感觉比较疲倦 。
Skiing is more exciting than skating.
滑雪比滑冰更激动人心 。The report is most alarming.
这个报告最为扰乱人心 。
英语里有些形容词的比较等级的变化是不规则的 。
good well
better best
bad ill
worse woset
many much
more most
little few
less least
farther farthest或further futheet
older oldest 或elder eldest
later latest 或latter last
(5) 形容词前可加less和least,表示“较不”和“最不” 。
eg.Short sight is less common among the young students in this country.
近视在这个国家的青少年学生中较为少见 。
The flaw in this stamp makes it less valuable.
这张邮票因为有点瑕疵,不那么值钱 。
She's no less active than she used to be.
她和以往一样活跃 。
He has less strength than I have.
他的力气比我小 。
It is less cold than it was yesterday.
天气没有昨天那样冷 。
(1)“A+谓语+as+形容词原级+as+B”表示A和B同等程度 。
eg.I'm not as tall as he.
我没有他高 。The march of events is as fast as we thought.
事情的发展就如我们所料的那样快 。
(2)“A+谓语+形容词比较级+than+B”表示A超过B 。
eg.The first is better than the second.
第一个比第二个好 。
The doctor's fees were higher than we expected.
医生的酬金比我们预计的要高 。
(3)“the+比较级…,the+比较级…”表示B随着A的增长程度而平行增长,译为“越…越…” 。
eg.The busier I am,the happier I feel.
我越忙,越高兴 。The lazier you are,the poorer you will be.
你越懒,就越穷 。
The more careful you are,the less mistakes you would make.
你越仔细,出错越少 。The more problems you think about,the cleverer you will become.
你考虑的问题越多,你就会越聪明 。
(4)“比较级+and+比较级”表示“越来越…” 。
eg.As he got older,he became more and more fond of comfort.
随着年龄的增长,他越来越喜欢安逸 。The summer is coming,it is getting hotter and hotter.
夏天来了,天气越来越热 。Things are getting better and better.
情况一天比一天好起来 。
(5)A+谓语+倍数+as+形容词原级+as+BA+谓语+倍数+比较级+than+BA+谓语+倍数+the size/height/length/weight of+B
eg.There are now five times as many schools in our town as in 1979.
我们城里的学校比1979年增加了4倍 。Asia is four times larger than Europe.
