
3月27日加拿大移民局网站宣布由于目前政府正致力于应对新型冠状病毒(COVID-19) 。将推迟2020年父母团聚移民项目的开放时间 。


加拿大移民局原计划在未来几周开放2020年父母团聚意向征集 。然而鉴于目前加拿大的情况 。政府决定推迟这一项目 。移民局同时也表示这一推迟并不会影响后续的审理 。加拿大政府仍然坚定地致力于家庭团聚项目 。移民局将尽快启动 。

移民局并没有透露“意向征集”是抢号制度 。摇号制度还是其他制度 。
我们再次重申在政府公布细节之前就签约是不负责任的 。如果我们提前收取了客户的款项 。现阶段将陷入无休止的等待 。而疫情期间客户对现金的需求不可同日而语 。一些规模比较小的事务所在收到客户款项之后能否撑过本次疫情都是未知数 。我们承诺 。目前为止尚未有任何客户提前和我们签约或者预定名额 。我们也承诺如果确定是抢号 。所有提前和我们联系过的客户都会将获得签约机会 。请大家继续耐心等待我们的通知 。
Ottawa, March 27, 2020 — Due to the current focus on responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) will delay the opening of the 2020 Parents and Grandparents (PGP) Program to accepting new applications.
The launch of the annual call for expressions of interest to apply was anticipated in the coming weeks. Given the present circumstances, however, we are prioritizing our efforts to contribute to the whole-of-government response to the pandemic.
It is important to note that the temporary deferral of the launch of the 2020 call for applications is not expected to impact when parents and grandparents will arrive in our country, and that processing of these applications continues.
The Government of Canada remains bly committed to family reunification, and IRCC is committed to opening the program as soon as possible.
Details on the opening of the PGP Program will be posted online and shared via social media once they are available.
