far的比较级和最高级怎么读?old的比较级和最高级( 二 )

careful - more careful - most careful;
useful - more useful - most useful;
active - more active - most active
6) -ed结尾的形容词,往往前面加more \ most构成比较和最高级
tired - more tired - most tired;
interested - more interested - most interested
worried - more worried - most worried
2、 不规则变化
口诀 : 好坏多少,又远又老
good \ well – better – best
bad \ ill – worse – worst
many \ much – more – most
little – less – least
far – farther \ further – farthest \ furthest
old – older (新旧) \ elder(长幼) – oldest \ eldest
1、A + Be + 比较级+than + B 表示A比B ... ...
I am fatter than you. 我比你胖 。
This garden is larger than that one. 这个花园比那个花园大 。
2、A + Be + 程度+ 比较级+than + B
程度包括,具体程度 、 不具体的程度
具体程度:once, twice, three times ... ; 2 cm, 5 kg, 3 yuan ... 等等
Our school is twice larger than yours. 我们的学校比你们的学校大两倍 。
The Yellow River is three times longer than this one. 黄河比这条河长三倍 。
I am 4 cm taller than her. 我比她高4公分 。
My bike is 50 yuan more expensive than his. 我的自行车比他的贵50元 。
不具体的程度:much, a little, a bit,a little bit 等等
This park is much larger than that one. 这个公园比那个公园大得多 。
Jenny is a little fatter than me. 珍妮比我胖一点 。
3、主语+be + getting\ becoming\ turning + 比较级 and 比较级 (more and more +多音节形容词原级)
表示主语 越来越……
Our country is getting stronger and stronger.我们的国家越来越强大了 。
The city is becoming more and more beautiful.这个城市越来越漂亮了 。
My sister is growing taller and taller.我的妹妹长得越来越高了 。
4、The + 比较级+(宾语)+主语+谓语动词(be),the + 比较级+(宾语)+主语+ (will) + 谓语动词(be),
越 …. 就越….
The more we practice, the better we learn.我们做练习越多,我们学得就越好 。
The more practice we do, the better we will learn.我们做练习越多,我们学得就越好 。
The more friends you make, the busier you will be.你交的朋友越多,你就越忙 。
The more books we read, the more knowledge we will learn.我们读的书越多,我们学到的知识就越多 。
5、 主语+be+the+比较级+of the two …
主语是两个…中更…的那一个 。
I am the fatter one of the two of us.我是我们两个中较胖的那一个 。
The bigger one of the two houses is mine.这两个房子较大的那一个是我的 。
6、Which \ Who is +比较级,A or B ?
表示A和B,谁、哪一个更 ... ?
汉语中的“和”,用or,不用and 。
Which is bigger, the sun or the earth ? 太阳和月亮,哪一个更大?
Who is taller, Bill or Tom ? 比尔和汤姆,谁更高?
1、否定不定代词或含有否定词的名词作主语+be+比较级+than + 比较对象
Nothing is more difficult than this. 没有比这更难的事儿了 。
No man can do better than than Lincoln in his village. 在他们村里没有人比林肯做得更好了 。
Nobody is more hard-working than him in his class. 在他班里没有人比他更勤奋了 。
None is cheaper than rice in this store. 在这个店里没有比大米更便宜的了 。
2、主语+否定谓语+含有比较级宾语+than + 比较对象
I have never seen a more moving film than this one. 这是我看过的最感人的电影 。
I couldn't agree with you more. 我非常赞同你 。
It couldn't be worse. 没有比这更糟糕的了 。
3、主语+be+the +最高级+名词 + in \ of 范围
