英语一英语二考研区别 英语一英语二什么时候划分的( 二 )

例13-15答案是AAB 。
五、在since从句中,注意是在since引导的从句中的时态,不是主句中的时态 。主句要用的现在完成时暂时不考虑,以后会谈 。
(16) He has taught in this school since he ________ work.
A. begin to
B. begins to
C. began to
D. begun to
(17) We have known each other _______.
A. since we were young
B. after we were young
C. when we are young
D. if we are young
(18) It’s five years since I ________ you last time.
A. meet
B. met
C. have met
D. had met
例16-18答案是CAB 。
(19) He was worried when he __________ this news.
A. hear
B. hears
C. heard
D. is hearing
(20) It was raining hard when he ________home.
A. got
B. get
C. gets
D. was getting
(21) One day when I ________ the post office I ________ my uncle.
A. pass, meet
B. passed, meeted
C. past, met
D. passed, met
例19-21答案是CAD 。
七、受主句的过去时态投射,在宾语从句中使用 。
(22) I thought the news ________ important for us all.
A. is
B. was
C. are
D. were
(23) As soon as we saw his face, we ________ the news ________ bad.
A. knew, was
B. know, were
C. know, was
D. knew, were
例22-23答案BA 。
八、以说话的当下为参照,判断今天今早是否为过去时间 。
(24 ) Have you seen him today? Yes, I _______ him this morning.
A. has seen
B. see
C. will see
D. saw
(25) Li Ping _______ ill in bed, so he _______ go to school today.(
A. was, wasn’t
B. was, don’t
C. did, didn’t
D. was, didn’t
例24-25答案DD 。
九、地点状语也可以成为过去动作的判断依据 。
(26) “Have you met Peter today?” “Yes, I ________ him in the street.”
A. meet
B. met
C. have watched
D. will find
例26答案是B 。
十、just now是过去时间标记的副词
(27) My father _______ me two pieces of news just now.
A. tell
B. tells
C. told
D. telled
(28) Henry can’t be at home because he _________me from the farm just now.
A. phone
B. phoning
C. phones
D. phoned
例27-28答案是CD 。
十一、没有明显时间标记,以说话当下时间为参照的一般过去时 。
(29) When ________ the accident ________?
A. was, happen
B. did, happen
C. is, happen
D. was, happened
这种类型的提问,都用一般过去时 。
(30) Hello, Mike. It’s you. I ______ you ______ in Beijing. How long have you been here?
A. don’t know, were
B. hadn’t know, are
C. haven’t known, are
D. didn’t know, were
(31) Columbus(哥伦布)____ America.
A. covers
B. discover
C. discovered
D. covered
例29-31答案为BDC 。
例31要注意区分,哥伦布发现新大陆是一件久远的事情,虽然没有时间标记,但也要用过去时表达句意 。再仔细审视下,哥伦布发现新大陆,是个千古不变的事实了,从这个角度看问题,也是可以用一般现在时来表达的 。出题人应当是知道的,所以没有把一般现在时放在选项中,否则两个答案都是可以的 。
【英语一英语二考研区别 英语一英语二什么时候划分的】小结一下,英语的一般过去时在形态上也相对简单,是单个动词就能表达的时态,有时是单个系动词was/were,表达状态,这时构成疑问句和否定句的话,直接用系动词做就行了 。更多是单个实义动词,要借助助动词did来构成疑问句或否定句 。分辨清楚这些时间标记,无论是单提出来做选择题还是在语篇中(做cloze题或自己写作文时),都要能正确运用一般过去时 。
