英语一英语二考研区别 英语一英语二什么时候划分的

英语一和英语二的划分是指中国高考中英语科目的分级考试,最早在1985年实行 。原因是为了提高高中学生英语水平以及公平地为不同水平的学生提供学习和考试的机会 。英语考试分为英语一和英语二,主要根据学生的英语水平来划分 。英语一是针对英语能力比较高的学生,考试难度也相应较大;英语二则是面向英语水平较低的学生,考试难度相对较小 。根据不同的学生英语水平,选择相对应的考试,以减少考试的压力和提高高考成绩 。
我们每一个人说话,都自觉是以当下为时间参照,比当下时刻早的,就是过去时间了;比当下时刻晚的,时间还未到,就是将来时间 。我们说汉语的,就简单许多,把时间词语说出来,任何动词都不用考虑变形就行了 。英语不然,只要有动作是在说话当下前做的意念,动词就得做相应的变化 。有明确的过去时间,那么就要用一般过去时 。这个明确的过去的时间,是一个被完全截断在时间短语表达的时间,不与更早,也不与之后的时间相干 。这一点很重要,如果相干了,可能就是别的复杂时态了 。以后会谈那些问题 。现在谈一般过去时,什么样的时间设置我们要用到动词的一般过去形式呢?一般过去时的时间标记有哪些?遇上这些时间标记,做选择题时就选一般过去时的动词形式;在自己写作文时,也要懂得用一般过去时来表达相应意思 。
一、Yesterday系列短语 。例如:
(1) Where _______ Uncle Sun yesterday?
A. was
B. were
C. did
D. does
(2) Henry _____ a birthday card for Sam yesterday.
A. has bought
B. buys
C. bought
D. will buy
(3) ______ you have breakfast yesterday morning?
A. Do
B. Did
C. Are
D. Were
(4) I ______ her to bring my book to school the day before yesterday.
A. told
B. tell
C. am telling
D. have told
例1-4答案是ACBA 。
二、Last系列短语 。例如:
(5) _______ you in Grade One last year? Yes, I _______.
A. Are, am
B. Were, was
C. Are, was
D. Was, was
(6) Where _______ the twins last night?
A. were
B. was
C. are
D. did
(7) She said her brother _____ in Beijing. He ____ to Japan on business last week.
A. wasn’t, went
B. hasn’t, went
C. wasn’t, would go
D. would be, went
(8) ---- Meimei, why didn’t you give the book to Ann?
---- Well, she _____ a copy for herself last month.
A. buys
B. had bought
C. bought
D. has bought
(9) ---- When _____ this kind of computer ______?
--- Last summer.
A. did, use
B. was, used
C. is, used
D. are, used
例5-9答案是BAACB 。
(10) ---- Have you mended the motorbike, Tom?
---- Yes, I ________ it ten minutes ago.
A. have
B. had
C. mended
D. have mended
(11) Less than hundreds of people ________ there two hundred years ago.
A. live
B. lived
C. were living
D. have lived
(12) The famous scientists ________ Beijing two days ago.
A. arrived
B. have got to
C. left
D. have been away from
例10-12答案是CBC 。
(13) He _______ in this school in 1958.
A. taught
B. has taught
C. teaches
D. had taught
(14) Our first computers _____ in 1956.
A. were made
B. made
C. have been made
D. had been made
(15) China ________ the WTO and became a new member of it in 2001.
A. join
B. joined
C. will join
D. has joined
