clear essence什么意思 power essence什么意思

【clear essence什么意思 power essence什么意思】Power essence指的是一种具有强劲韵律、高效能量的护肤精华,可以深入肌肤底层,增强肌肤的活力和抗衰老能力 。它通常包含多种营养成分和高浓度的活性成分,如维生素C、透明质酸等,可以改善肌肤质地、亮度和弹性,使肌肤保持健康和年轻状态 。Power essence是护肤程序中非常重要的一步,是保持肌肤健康与美丽的关键之一 。
Hi my friends. What is power about? The calling, the title, the position? Not exactly. The essence of power is all about how to make people to listen to you. That’s it.
大家好 。什么是权力?是尊称?头衔?官位?这话不全对 。权力的本质是如何让别人听你指挥 。就这么一回事!

clear essence什么意思 power essence什么意思

Some people don’t have the calling, the title, the position. But they know how to use the power, they also can have the power, right?
有些人并没有那个尊称、头衔和官位 。但他们却懂得如何使用权力,这样一来,他们也有了权力 。对不对?
If you can understand the point of how to make people to listen to you, and then you can have power.
You don’t need to have the title, the calling, the position. It’s all about how to make people to listen to you.
你不需要头衔,尊称和官位 。其实,就是如何让别人听你指挥!
