剑桥雅思6听力答案,剑桥雅思6听力( 三 )

23. Sarah Trimmer believed that children's books should set good examples: TRUE
24. parents were concerned about the violence in children's books: NOT GIVEN
25. An interest in the folklore changed the direction of the development of children's books: TRUE
26. Today children's book writers believe their works should appeal to both children and*** s: TRUE
类型:line graph折线图
题目: Some people believe that it is the responsibility of the politicians rather than the individuals to reduce the environment damage. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Generally, it is thought that politicians have the obligation to tackle environmental problems, while individuals' power seems to be insignificant. However, I believe that if politicians could mobilize the general public to join the campaign of environmental protection, better results would be achieved.
Undoubtedly, to protect the environment, governments of all countries, led by politicians, play a leading role by making policies, allocating funds and enforcing laws. Politicians are elites of society, representing the public to govern the city and the country. With the vision of mankind' s long-term development and the power to make important decisions, politicians can do much more than ordinary people to control air and marine pollution, ban illegal deforestation, slow down the process of global warming, etc. For instance, the international treaties signed by politicians in the past few decades have had positive impact on reducing carbon emissions and curbing climate change.
However, to protect the environment is not just the responsibility of politicians and it also requires the effort of individuals. It is said that the power of a single person is minimal, which is true to some extent, but with millions of individuals involved to take action, the effect would be huge. A good example is air pollution in the urban area, which can be effectively addressed by encouraging people to take public transport. If individuals could give up driving private cars, the air quality would be obviously improved.
In conclusion, environmental problems affect almost everyone in this planet and only by combining the effort of all members of society, can we tackle these problems and achieve sustainable development.
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《剑桥雅思1-6》(Cambridge IELTS 1-6)(教材+配套听力)
