animal and people fu animal and people natore

动物和人类都是自然界的一部分 。人类和动物都需要快乐、健康、清洁的生活环境 。人类依赖动物供应食品,同时动物也依赖人类的保护和照顾 。许多动物提供了舒适和快乐的陪伴,人类也得到了心理健康的好处 。但是,人类和动物之间的关系也存在着许多问题 。例如人类滥捕滥杀动物,导致生态环境的破坏和物种灭绝 。因此,人类应该保护动物,同时也要寻找科学的 *** 解决与动物之间的种种问题,并打造一个和谐、共存的自然环境 。

animal and people fu animal and people natore

Confident women are amazing, brave, independent, strong and assertive. They know what they want and get it by all means. Before judging confident women, remember these 8misconceptionsabout strong girls.
自信的女性妙不可言,她们勇敢独立、坚强果敢 。她们知道自己的需求、拼尽全力去追求 。对自信的女性评头论足前,记得先看看以下八条人们对自信女性的误读 。
1. They're not sensitive
Many believe confident women are totally selfish and self-centered. In fact, confident women have weak moments too. They can be as sensitive as any other person can be.
许多人认为自信的女性只关心自己、以自我为中心 。事实上,自信的女子也有脆弱的时候,她们也和别人一样敏感 。
2. They don't like compliments
Any woman – be she strong or weak – loves praises and compliments. Confident women want to be praised and they deserve beautiful words.
所有女性,不论坚强还是脆弱,都爱表扬与恭维 。自信的女子想要褒扬,因为她们配得上言语称颂 。
3. They know absolutely everything
Yes, confident women are*** art and intelligent but there are something they don't know about. No matter how hard you try, you can't know everything. Confident women are not afraid to accept their mistakes. They learn from them and don't make them twice. Reading is one of their best hobbies but it doesn't mean they are nerds. They are fun and interesting to hang out with.
是的,自信的女子聪慧机敏,但还是有些东西是她们不知道的 。不论你怎样努力,你都不可能无所不知 。自信的女子不怕承认她们的错误,她们从中吸取教训,不再犯第二次 。她们爱阅读,但不是说她们就是书呆子了 。和她们一起出去玩很带劲 。
4. They're not afraid of anything
Fear doesn't choose whom to strike. It strikes everyone. Confident women dread to become weak or broken. When a confident woman faces a challenge or a failure, though, she becomes stronger and her faith helps her move mountains and become more successful.
恐惧本身并不会选择谁会收到影响,它影响所有人 。自信的女子害怕变脆弱、害怕变得不堪一击 。遇到困难和挑战时,她们变得更坚强,信念助其排除万难,走向成功 。
5. They don't care about other people's opinions
There's a difference between worrying about what others will think or say about you and paying attention to other people's opinions. Confident women do whatever they want to do because they don't let others prevent them from being who they are. Girls with weak willpower, on the contrary, let others control their actions.
担忧他人所思所说与在意他人的观点是有所区别的 。自信的女性做她们想做的事,是因为不想让别人阻止她们做自己 。相反,意志力薄弱的女孩让别人左右自己的行为 。
6. They never get hurt.
【animal and people fu animal and people natore】6、不会受伤害
Strong women get hurt too. They feel pain – they are not cold. They all have kind hearts. Whether it's someone's death, a breakup or a discharge, they feel it all. They feel lost, frustrated, and depressed.
