pep小学英语四年级下册电子课本 pep小学英语单词汇总( 二 )

23Germany/????m?ni/ 德国 My uncle and aunt live in Germany.
24Alaska/??l?sk?/ 阿拉斯加州
25sled/sled/ 雪橇 Tina’s sled is new.
26fast/fɑ?st/ 快的;迅速的 The subway is very fast.
27ferry/?feri/ 轮渡 There is a big ferry over there.
28Papa Westray/p??pɑ?/ Westray 帕帕韦斯特雷岛
29Scotland/?sk?tl?nd/ 苏格兰
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Unit 3My weekend plan
01visit/?v?z?t/ 拜访 I often visit my grandparents on weekends.
02film/f?lm/ 电影 Let’s see a film this afternoon.
03see a film/si?/ /?/ /f?lm/ 看电影 Let’s see a film this afternoon.
04trip/tr?p/ 旅行 We want to take a trip on summer holiday.
05take a trip/te?k/ /?/ /tr?p/ 去旅行 We want to take a trip on summer holiday.
06supermarket/?sju?p??mɑ?k?t/ 超市 My mother often goes to the supermarket on Sunday.
07evening/?i?vn??/ 晚上;傍晚 I often read storybooks in the evening.
08tonight/t??na?t/ 今夜;今晚 There will be a basketball match tonight.
09tomorrow/t??m?r??/ 明天 My father will go fishing tomorrow.
【pep小学英语四年级下册电子课本 pep小学英语单词汇总】10next week/nekst/ /wi?k/ 下周 They will go on a picnic next week.
11dictionary/?d?k?(?)n(?)ri/ 词典 I bought a new dictionary.
12comic/?k?m?k/ 滑稽的;喜剧的 My brother is reading a comic book.
13comic book/?k?m?k/ /b?k/ (儿童的)连环画册 My brother is reading a comic book.
14word/w??d/ 单词 This word book is very helpful.
15word book/w??d/ /b?k/ 单词书 This word book is very helpful.
16postcard/?p??stkɑ?d/ 明信片 I will send him a postcard.
17lesson/?lesn/ 课 We are going to have an English lesson.
18space/spe?s/ 太空 This is a book about space.
19travel/?tr?vl/ 旅行 I like travel.
20half/hɑ?f/ 一半 I do my homework for half an hour every day.
21price/pra?s/ 价格 The price of the bag is high.
22Mid-Autumn Festival/m?d/-/???t?m/ /?fest?v?l/ 中秋节 Today is Mid-Autumn Festival.
23together/t??gee?/ 一起 Let’s go to school together.
24get together/get/ /t??gee?/ 聚会 My family is going to get together and have a big dinner.
25mooncake月饼 Would you like a mooncake?
26poem/?p???m/ 诗 I like this poem.
27moon/mu?n/ 月亮;月球 The moon is so bright tonight.
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Unit 4I have a pen pal
01studies/?st?diz/ 学习 He studies Chinese very carefully.
02puzzle/?p?zl/ 谜;智力游戏 My mother often does word puzzles with me on the weekend.
03hiking/?ha?k??/ 远足 She goes hiking with her friends.
04pen pal/pen/ /p?l/ 笔友 I have a new pen pal.
05hobby/?h?bi/ 业余爱好 My hobby is playing football.
06ja *** ine/??? *** ?n/ 茉莉 I like ja *** ine.
07idea/a??d??/ 想法;主意 This is a good idea.
08Canberra/?k?nb(?)r?/ 堪培拉 My pen pal lives in Canberra.
09amazing/??me?z??/ 令人惊奇的 How amazing!
10shall/??l/ 表示征求意见 Shall we dance?
11goal/g??l/ 射门 Rabbit scores ten goals.
12join/???n/ 加入 I want to join you.
13club/kl?b/ 俱乐部;社团 Please join our club.
14share/?e?/ 分享;共用 Let’s share the delicious food.
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Unit 5What does he do?
01factory/?f?kt?ri/ 工厂 My aunt works in the factory.
02worker/?w??k?/ 工人 The worker works hard every day.
03postman/?p??stm?n/ 邮递员 The postman is very busy every day.
04busines *** an/?b?zn? *** ?n/ 商人 His uncle is a busines *** an.
05police officer/p??li?s/ /??f?s?/ 警察 There is a police officer on the street.
06fisherman/?f???m?n/ 渔民 The fisherman swims very well.
07scientist/?sa??nt?st/ 科学家 The scientist knows much about the sun.
