pep小学英语四年级下册电子课本 pep小学英语单词汇总( 三 )

08pilot/?pa?l?t/ 飞行员 Miss Brown is a pilot.
09coach/k???/ 教练 The coach is very strict with us.
10country/?k?ntri/ 国家 Which country do you live in?
11head teacher/hed/ /?ti???/ 校长 Ann’s mother is our head teacher.
12sea/si?/ 大海 I like swimming in the sea.
13stay/ste?/ 保持 I want to stay healthy.
14university/?ju?n??v??s?ti/ 大学 He is a university student.
15gym/??m/ 体育馆,健身房 The gym is very big.
16if/?f/ 如果 If you like sports, you can be a coach.
17reporter/r??p??t?/ 采访人员 Uncle Li is a reporter.
18use/ju?z/ 使用 May I use your pen?
19type/ta?p/ 打字 Can you type?
20quickly/?kw?kli/ 迅速地 Jim can run quickly.
21secretary/?sekr?tri/ 秘书 Amy’s cousin is a secretary.
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Unit 6How do you feel?

pep小学英语四年级下册电子课本 pep小学英语单词汇总

01angry/???gri/ 生气的 Don’t get angry with the little boy.
02afraid/??fre?d/ 害怕 The monkey is afraid of the dinosaur.
03sad/s?d/ 难过的 The boy is very sad.
04worried/?w?rid/ 担心的;发愁的 Don’t be worried about the monkey.
05happy/?h?pi/ 高兴的;快乐的 The bear looks very happy.
06see a doctor/si?/ /?/ /?d?kt?/ 看病 He will see a doctor tomorrow.
07wear/we?/ 穿;戴 I always wear warm clothes on cold days.
08more/m??/ 更多的 You should do more exercise.
09deep/di?p/ 深的 Please take a deep breath.
10breath/breθ/ 呼吸 Please take a deep breath.
11take a deep breath/te?k/ /?/ /di?p/ /breθ/ 深深吸一口气 If you are angry, you can take a deep breath.
12count/ka?nt/ 数数 My little sister can count to ten.
13count to ten/ka?nt/ /t?/ /ten/ 数到十 My little sister can count to ten.
14chase/?e?s/ 追赶 The cat is chasing a mouse.
15mice/ma?s/ 老鼠 There are two mice over there.
16bad/b?d/ 邪恶的;坏的 Is the dog bad?
17hurt/h??t/ (使)受伤 Please don’t hurt the little cat.
18ill/?l/ 有病;不舒服 My grandpa is ill.
19wrong/r??/ 有毛病;不好的 I have something wrong with my legs.
20should/??d/ 应当 He should see a doctor this morning.
21feel/fi?l/ 感觉;觉得 How do you feel?
22well/wel/ 健康;身体好 You look well.
23sit/s?t/ 坐 Sit on this sofa, please.
24grass/grɑ?s/ 草坪 There is a dog on the grass.
25hear/h??/ 听见 What can you hear?
26ant/?nt/ 蚂蚁 This is a little ant.
27worry/?w?ri/ 担心;担忧 Don’t worry about me.
28stuck/st?k/ 陷住;无法移动 The car is stuck.
29mud/m?d/ 泥 There is a dog in the mud.
30pull/p?l/ 拉;拽 Pull the door, please.
31everyone/?evr?w?n/ 每人;人人 Everyone is here.
pep小学英语四年级下册电子课本 pep小学英语单词汇总

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