pep小学英语四年级下册电子课本 pep小学英语单词汇总

pep小学英语单词汇总 。本书共分为三部分,第一部分介绍了常用的英语单词,包括“through”、“together”、“theselectablelynotfounds”、“whatareyouwannastituteastitute##behavior.这些都是我们耳熟能详的英语谚语,它们不仅是一种口语表达,更是一种文化传承 。今天我们就来学习一下这些经典典口语吧!let'snotfilter.你可以不喜欢,但请不要诋毁 。pleasebeautifullyareajusthaveyouareasongtheyear.如果你觉得不好,那就是你的问题 。
单词是英语学习的基础,记单词对于小朋友来说难免是有些枯燥乏味的 。因此我们将教科书中的单词配上趣味插画和例句,按单元 *** 了单词闪卡,配上北美外教专业发音 。希望可以帮助大家简单快速的记住这些必学单词 。
Unit 1How can I get there?
01science/?sa??ns/ 科学 The science museum is near the school.
02museum/mju(?)?z??m/ 博物馆 Where is the science museum?
03post office/p??st/ /??f?s/ 邮局 I will go to the post office to send a letter.
04bookstore/?b?kst??/ 书店 I want to buy an English book in a bookstore.
05cinema/?s?n?m?/ 电影院 I will go to the cinema tomorrow.
06hospital/?h?sp?tl/ 医院 He was born in this hospital.
07crossing/?kr?s??/ 十字路口 You should be careful at the crossing.
08turn/t??n/ 转弯 You should turn right at the park.
09left/left/ 左;左边 You should turn left at the crossing.
10straight/stre?t/ 笔直地 Turn right. Then go straight.
11right/ra?t/ 右;右边 Turn right here.
12ask/ɑ?sk/ 问 Can I ask you some questions?
13sir/s??/ 先生 Can I help you, sir?
14interesting/??ntr?st??/ 有趣的 This book is very interesting.
15Italian/??t?li?n/ 意大利的 My cousin is an Italian girl.
16restaurant/?restr?nt/ 餐馆 This is a new restaurant.
17pizza/?pi?ts?/ 比萨饼 I like pizza.
18street/stri?t/ 大街;街道 The cinema is on Dongfang Street.
19get/get/ 到达 How can I get there?
20GPS/?i?-pi?-es/ 全球(卫星)定位系统 The GPS is new.
21gave/ge?v/ 提供;交给 I gave my sister a pen this morning.
22feature/?fi???/ 特点 The dog has a new feature.
23follow/?f?l??/ 跟着 Follow your mother, please.
24far/fɑ?/ 远的,遥远的 My home is far from the zoo.
25tell/tel/ 告诉,讲述 Let me tell you my name.
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Unit 2Ways to go to school
01on foot/?n/ /f?t/ 步行 I go to school on foot.
02by/ba?/ 乘 I go to school by bus.
03bus/b?s/ 公共汽车 They go to the park by bus.
04plane/ple?n/ 飞机 We will go the USA by plane.
05taxi/?t?ksi/ 出租汽车 You can go there by taxi.
06ship/??p/ (大)船 Let’s go to Shanghai by ship.
07subway/?s?bwe?/ 地铁 You can go to the library by subway.
08train/tre?n/ 火车 He goes to Kunming by train.
09slow/sl??/ 慢的 The taxi driver slows down at the yellow light.
10down/da?n/ 减少;降低 The taxi driver slows down at the yellow light.
11slow down/sl??/ /da?n/ 慢下来 The taxi driver slows down at the yellow light.
12stop/st?p/ 停下来 The car stops and waits at the red light.
13Mrs夫人 Good morning, Mrs Smith!
14early/???li/ 早到的 You are early.
15helmet/?helm?t/ 头盔 I have a new helmet.
16must/m?st/ 必须 In the USA people on bikes must wear a helmet.
17wear/we?/ 穿着,佩戴 My sister wears a hat.
18attention/??ten?(?)n/ 注意,注意力 Let me have your attention!
19pay attention to/pe?/ /??ten?(?)n/ /t?/ 注意 I must pay attention to the traffic lights.
20traffic/?tr?f?k/ 交通 Traffic is busy now.
21traffic lights/?tr?f?k/ /la?ts/ 交通信号灯 I must pay attention to the traffic lights.
22Munich/?mju?n?k/ 慕尼黑
