2013年12月四级考试真题答案 2013四级考试真题答案( 三 )

W: No problem. Relax. [21]You're in good hands. Okay, here we go. So, what do you do for a living?

M: I'm a lawyer, specializing in workplace accidents, and [22]I'm in town for an interview for a new job, and... Hey, what happened to my hair? And what's left of my hair turned purple. Are you even a licensed beautician?

W: Well, sir. We offer a money-back guarantee on all our work, so if you're not pletely satisfied...

M: Satisfied? I'm anything but satisfied. [22]How in the world am I supposed to go to a job interview looking like this? Forget it. Forget it.

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19. What is one service NOT included in the special price at the beauty salon?


解析:女士说,当日的特别优惠是以9.99美元的价格享受洗、剪、吹,外加剃须、背部 ***。A、C、D均有提及;只有B修指甲不在服务范围内,故应选B 。通读选项,知道这篇对话与理发有关 。本题选项涉及相关服务专案,解答时要注意对话中提到哪些专案,以做相应标记 。此外,修指甲不属于一般男士理发业务范围,根据“主题原则”,与主题无关的即为答案,直接选B 。

20. Why does the man repeatedly say "That's all"?


解析:男士的原话是:“今天就来整套服务吧 。不过,……我只想把头发修一下 。上面和两边都稍微修剪一点点就可以了……”这里的“That's all”表明男士不想要别的花样,只需要自己想要的服务,故C正确 。根据男士说的“Okay, I'll have the plete service today”,可排除A甚至D全套服务所需的长时间与quickly矛盾;B无依据 。

21. What does the beautician mean by "You're in good hands"?


解析:女士说:“没问题,放松点,给你服务的是个好手 。”所谓“好手”即是水平高的美容美发师,故C正确 。本题问“You're in good hands”是什么意思。像这种“短语含义题”,绝不能选其单词本义,由此可排除A;若头发状态良好,就不用来理发了,故B也可排除;D是利用原词relax设定的干扰项 。

22. Why does the customer go to this beauty salon to improve his appearance?


解析:男士先说,他到城里来面试一份新工作 。随后又抱怨,“我这个样子怎么去面试?”可见男士来美容院理发是为了参加面试,故D正确 。四个选项均以“He is going to”开头,差别在to后面的内容上 。A、B未提到,可排除;男士说他是一个处理工伤事故的律师,C中的一般将来时态与对话内容不一致 。

