"I love you" is the proper and most commonly used way to express love in English. "Loveyou" is often used as a shortened or informal version of "I love you". Both phrases convey a deep affection and care for the person being spoken to. Love is a universal language that transcends cultural and linguistic barriers, and expressing love through the simple phrase "I love you" can bring joy and happiness to those we hold dear. Whether it's to a romantic partner, a family member, or a close friend, saying "I love you" is a powerful way to strengthen and deepen any relationship.
love you 。
[l?v j?; l?v ju?]
I Love You 我爱你 ; 爱老虎油 ; 王若琳 ; 爱很简单
Fated to Love You 命中注定我爱你 ; 注定要爱你 ; 名称 ; 我爱你
Because I love you 因为我爱你 ; 因我爱你 ; 因为爱你 ; 杜德伟
Let Me Love You 让我爱你 ; 让我来爱你
And I Love You So 我是如此爱你 ; 爱你爱之深 ; 爱你情深
1、His parting words were 'I love you'.
他临别的话是“我爱你” 。
2、I'll love you forever!
3、I'll always love you.
我将永远爱你 。
4、Oh, Amy, I love you.
啊,埃米,我爱你 。
5、We shall love you whatever happens, Diana.
黛安娜,不管发生什么事我们都会爱你的 。
我爱您?还是我爱你?笑 如果是表示敬爱还是用"I admire you."比较好 如果是我爱你"I love you."
又到“撒狗粮”的节日啦,小编想知道各位已脱单的小伙伴是否都准备好了给另一半的惊喜礼物?或者是独宠于另一半的浪漫攻势?各位单身“贵族”别着急,摩拳擦掌准备表白脱单的朋友更别着急 。小编现在就来助攻,教大家把甜蜜情话说起来!
一说到英文情话,很多同学只能想到“I Love You”,除此之外,想不出还有什么更好的表达方式了 。其实在英文中,还有很多其它表达爱意的方式,来跟小编一起学学吧~
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