荷叶母亲朗读视频_荷叶母亲朗读配乐( 三 )

仍是不适意!——徘徊了一会子,窗外雷声作了,大雨接着就来,愈下愈大 。那朵红莲,被那繁密的雨点,打得左右攲斜 。在无遮蔽的天空之下,我不敢下阶去,也无法可想 。
My feeling of vexation persisted. I paced around the room restlessly before thunder began to roar, followed by rain pelting down. As the raindrops fell more densely, the red lotus flower began to sway from side to side. Nothing under heaven could shield the flower from the rain, and I didn't dare to run down the steps into the courtyard to do anything for it, nor could I think of any other way to help.
Hearing my mother's call from the opposite room, I went to sit by her side and then looked back again towards the red flower. A scene came into view: a huge leaf beside it was tilting over just enough to cover the flower…I felt greatly relieved.
雨势并不减退,红莲却不摇动了 。雨点不住地打着,只能在那勇敢慈怜的荷叶上面,聚了些流转无力的水珠 。
The rain still refused to let up, but the red flower had a chance to steady itself. The rain continued beating down, but merely formed tiny pools of water rolling harmlessly along the big leaf, which had acted as a protector with love and bravery.
I was touched in the depth of my heart.
母亲啊!你是荷叶,我是红莲 。心中的雨点来了,除了你,谁是我在无遮拦天空下的荫蔽?
Dear mother, you are the leaf and I am the flower. Whenever my heart is exposed to a shower of rain, who else can be the one to shield me from the open sky?
