美国拜登简介身份证号 美国拜登简介 英文( 二 )

舒尔茨现年37岁 , 来自亚特兰大 , 在佐治亚州立大学(Georgia State University)就读期间担任汽车修理工 。大学毕业后 , 他在纽约市的克林顿基金会找到了一份工作 , 并在克林顿全球倡议组织(Clinton Global Initiative)担任活动摄影师——这份工作让他走遍了全世界 , 并把他介绍给了重要的导师 。他将继续与首席摄影师合作 , 拍摄希拉里·克林顿2016年的总统竞选活动 , 随后成为拜登2020年竞选活动的主要摄影师 。
Biden at a Hillary Clinton campaign event in Bristol, Pennsylvania, in 2016.
Schultz has a good rapport with Biden. Over the summer, outside of Biden’s home in Wilmington, Delaware, Schultz snapped a photo of the then-candidate*** iling in his beloved 1967 Corvette Stingray.
"It was just him talking about his car — and I'm a car nut myself. I was a mechanic in college and that's how I supported myself. It was nice to hear his take on this very special muscle car,” Schultz said.
舒尔茨和拜登关系很好 。整个夏天 , 在拜登位于特拉华州威尔明顿的家门口 , 舒尔茨拍下了一张当时的候选人在他心爱的1967年的克尔维特黄貂鱼上微笑的照片 。
“那只是他在谈论他的车——我自己也是个汽车迷 。我在大学时是个机械师 , 我就是这样养活自己的 。很高兴听到他对这辆非常特别的肌肉车的看法 , ”舒尔茨说 。

美国拜登简介身份证号 美国拜登简介 英文

Biden sits in his 1967 Corvette Stingray while shooting a campaign video in July.
While Biden has shown an interest in his official photographs, he is not as deeply involved in the process as President Donald Trump was.
Trump was “really hands-on with the photos,” Shealah Craighead, the chief official White House photographer during the Trump administration, told CNN.
“He likes to control the lighting, the production, and the show basically,” Craighead said. Many times, Trump himself would choose what photo the White House released.
虽然拜登对自己的官方照片表现出了兴趣 , 但他并不像唐纳德·特朗普总统那样深入参与这一进程 。
特朗普政府时期白宫首席官方摄影师谢阿拉赫·克雷黑德(Shealah Craighead)对CNN说 , 特朗普“对照片真的很亲力亲为” 。
克雷格黑德说:“他基本上喜欢控制灯光、 *** 和演出 。很多时候 , 特朗普自己会选择白宫发布的照片 。
Members of the media watch President Donald Trump hold a video teleconference in 2017.
Every day, Craighead would hand Trump a folder of images — they called it the “daily folder,” she said — and she and the President would have a conversation about what he liked and didn’t like. Trump would give “pretty direct” feedback, she said.
“Sometimes he liked it to be a little warmer with orange tones, then he would decide he didn't like that,” Craighead said.
Trump, who has years of experience on television, preferred to pose for the camera and wasn’t always comfortable with natural and candid shots, according to Craighead.
每天 , 克雷黑德都会递给特朗普一个图片文件夹——他们称之为“每日文件夹” , 她说——她和总统会就他喜欢什么和不喜欢什么进行对话 。她说 , 特朗普会给出“相当直接”的反馈 。
克雷格黑德说:“有时候他喜欢橙色调稍微暖和一点 , 然后他就会决定不喜欢那样 。” 。
克雷格黑德称 , 特朗普在电视上有多年经验 , 他更喜欢对着镜头摆姿势 , 对自然和坦诚的镜头并不总是感到舒服 。
