美国拜登简介身份证号 美国拜登简介 英文( 三 )

美国拜登简介身份证号 美国拜登简介 英文

Trump holds a Bible outside St. John’s Episcopal Church during a photo op in Washington, DC
Craighead, unlike Schultz, only met Trump the day before he took his oath of office. She received a call from then-press secretary Sean Spicer days before Trump’s swearing-in asking her if she would photograph the inauguration. The other photographer they had lined up for the event hadn’t passed vetting, Spicer told her.
She described navigating the competing interests in the Trump White House, and the challenges posed if the President, first lady, vice president and second lady were all at an event and in the same photos and wanted to push something out on social media.
“Everybody has their own interest in what the initiative or the wording or messaging should be,” Craighead said. She said they would have to follow the “hierarchy of messaging.”
与舒尔茨不同的是 , 克雷黑德在特朗普宣誓就职前一天才见到他 。她在特朗普宣誓就职前几天接到时任新闻秘书肖恩·斯派塞的 ***  , 问她是否会为就职典礼拍照 。斯派塞告诉她 , 他们排队参加活动的另一位摄影师还没有通过审查 。
她描述了如何驾驭特朗普白宫中相互竞争的利益 , 以及如果总统、第一夫人、副总统和第二夫人都在一个活动中 , 在同一张照片中 , 并希望在社交媒体上推出一些东西 , 所带来的挑战 。
【美国拜登简介身份证号 美国拜登简介 英文】克雷格黑德说:“每个人都对倡议、措辞或信息应该是什么有自己的兴趣 。她说 , 他们必须遵循“信息的层次结构”
