即期信用证什么时候付款 即期信用证和远期信用证( 三 )

+When effecting claim, you must give commodity, ports of shipment and destinations, and bill of lading date to Korea Exchange Bank, Singapore.
在偿付的时候,你方须将产品,装运港和目的港以及提单日期告知韩国外汇银行新加坡分行 。
71B(费用情况): +All banking charges including reimbursement charges and postage, outside Korea except acceptance comms and discount chgs are account of the beneficiary.
韩国境外的一切银行费用包括索偿费用和邮资均由受益人承担,但承兑佣金和贴现费用除外 。
48(交单期限):Document must be presented within 010days after the date of shipment of B/L but within L/C expiry.
单证须在提单日期后的10天之内提示,但应在本信用证有效期内 。
49(保兑指示 Confirmation Instruction): without
78(对付款/承兑/议付银行的指示):+All documents should be forwarded to Kyongnam Bank, Kangnam Br.947-7, Samtan Bldg,2/F Daechi-Dong, Kangnam-Gu Seoul 135-280 Korea in one lot by air-courier.
所有单证应通过航空快件方式一次性寄送如下地址:Kyongnam Bank, Kangnam Br.947-7, Samtan Bldg,2/F Daechi-Dong, Kangnam-Gu Seoul 135-280 Korea
+ The amount and date of each negotiation must be endorsed on the back hereof.
每次议付的金额及日期须在本信用证的背面签注 。
+Discrepancy fee of USD60 or equivalent will be deducted from the proceeds at payment if any discrepant documents are presented.
72(银行间的备注):+Subejct to UCP2007 revision I.C.C. Publication No.600 and ICC URR Publication No.525.
1.packing list in 4-fold evidencing: cartons bearing shipping marks and applicant's item numbers as per L/C
装箱单4份,明白显示:纸箱上按照信用证标明唛头和开证申请人的商品号码 。
2. loading manifest per container stating container number, item number per container and cartons per item.
集装箱的装货清单一份,说明集装箱号码,每个集装箱的商品编号以及每件商品的纸箱数 。
3.certificate of China origin GSP Form A issued by entry-exit inspection and quarantine bureau of the P.R.of China.
中国原产地证书,普惠制格式A,由中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫局出具 。
4.beneficiaries' declaration stating copy invoice and a copy B/L have been sent direct to applicant by fax or mail within 5 days after B/L date.
受益人声明一份,说明副本发票和副本提单各一份在提单日后的5天之内已经通过传真或信函的方式直接传送申请人 。
5.written confirmation of supplier on supplier's paper and legally signed stating the following:
6.copy of fax dated prior to B/L date on applicants own leterheaded paper evidencing the article numbers and confirming that applicant approved samples.
传真件一份,日期注明的时间应早于提单日期,同时需使用申请人自身信头的信函,证明商品号码,并确认申请人已认可本样品 。
7.beneficiaries' declaration stating that the container are free of gas from fumigation.
受益人声明一份,说明集装箱没有熏蒸留下的气味 。
8.drafts to be marked:"drawn under L/C number (as indicated above) of issuing bank"
9.transport-documents to indicate as place of delivery Amsterdam.
运输单证上表明交货地点为:阿姆斯特丹 。
10.copy of fax or E-mail dated prior to B/L date on applicants own letterhead paper, legally signed, stating that XXX(applicant' company name) confirming the LCLshipment.
