即期信用证什么时候付款 即期信用证和远期信用证( 四 )

传真或电子邮件一份,日期签署的时间应早于提单日期,同时须使用含有申请人自身信头的信函,依法签署,说明 XXX 公司(开证申请人的公司名)已经确认拼箱装运 。
11.5 percent more or less in goods quantity acceptable.
商品的数量允许有5%的增减 。
12.documents to be forwarded in one set by courier service to:issuing bank ,documentary trade department, XXX 。
单证须通过快递的方式一次性寄送:开证行单证部 XXX(开证的名称和地址)
13.payment instructions are to be incorporated in the nominated bank's remittance letter addressed to us, any (additional) instructions from others parties will be igmored.
付款指示须写入致我行的汇款书上 。其他方的(附加)指示可不予理会 。
14.refused documents, if any, held at the presenter's disposal may be taken up and honored by the issuing bank at any time and will not be returned to the presenter unless presenter advise us to the contrary within 24 hours after our having sent the relative advice of refusal.
拒付单证(如果有)留置待交单人处理,但我开证行可随时接受并给予兑付,单证将不予以退回交单人,除非交单人在我行发出相关拒付通知后24小时内做出相反的告知 。
15.we guanrantee that the products and packing in shipment (invoice number and B/L number) are free of any copy or paten rights whatsoever, in case of a claim against XXX, one of its subsidiaries or one of its customers because of violation of copy or paten rights of products and packing supplied by us, we on first request will indemnify XXX. and keep them harmless.
【即期信用证什么时候付款 即期信用证和远期信用证】我方保证:载运的产品及包装(发票号和提单号)没有任何仿制或侵犯专利权 。就产品及所供包装而言,如果由于我方违反仿制或专利而向XXX公司,或其子公司,或其客户提出索赔,我方将根据请求赔偿XXX公司的损失,不使其受损害 。
