整理共享单车英语作文 共享单车英语作文范文带翻译( 三 )

2. The constant traffic jams/ congestion / gridlock and deteriorating air quality have prompted people in big cities to take public transports as frequently as possible, leaving behind less carbon footprints.
持续的交通堵塞和不断恶化的空气质量促使大城市的人们尽量采用公共交通工具 , 抛弃哪些不环保的出行方式 。
3. Originally, shared bikes are designed to address “ the last kilometer” when you encounter traffic jams/ gridlock. Now, they have fashioned into a dominated travelling style for many people in big cities.
最初 , 共享单车设计的初衷是为了解决“最后一公里” , 当我们遭遇交通堵塞时 。现在 , 共享单车已经成为大城市人们的主要出行工具 。
4. And shared bikes have gained great popularity in China, where bikers can enjoy great flexibility at ultra-low cost without worrying about the risks of being stolen and maintenance issues.
共享单车已经在中国越来越流行 。骑车人既可以以超低的成本享受其带来的便利 , 又不用担心自行车被偷和维修事宜 。
5. Long-term traffic and pollution reductions would depend on educating the public to use public transport more, such as metro, public bus, and shared bikes, etc, and on governments using public money to construct and run efficient systems.
要想长期解决污染问题就需要教育公众多使用公共交通 , 比如地铁 , 公交车 , 共享单车等;同时政府应该多用公共资金来建设并运营高效的系统 。
6. It is beyond argument that low-carbon lifestyle, shared bikes in particular, has come to pervade every aspect of our lives, which is a blessing/ boon to our individual as well as our society.
毋容置疑 , 低碳生活方式 , 尤其是共享单车已经进入我们生活的各个方面 。这对个人和社会而言都是一场福音 。
7. We should call on all works of people to turn to low-carbon lifestyle and protect our unique homeland — our Mother Earth, where we can enjoy the clear sky and fresh air.
我们应该呼吁各个领域的人们转向低碳环保生活 , 保护我们唯一的家园——地球母亲 。这样我们才能拥有蓝天白云和清新的空气 。
8. Haze and*** og, once alien to numerous people, now has bothered oodles of big cities as deteriorating environment pollution. It has brought in their train a host of other harms, especially hazarding our health.
雾霾 , 曾经是一个陌生的字眼 , 现在已经成为困扰许多大城市的严重的环境污染问题 。并在无形中给我们带来各种危害 , 尤其危害我们的健康 。
【整理共享单车英语作文 共享单车英语作文范文带翻译】9. Imagine a vision of environmental urban: a city where most people cycle or ride the streetcar, recycle what they consume, exist in harmony with nature.
想象一下环保城市的愿景吧:在城市里 , 大多数人骑自行车或乘坐有轨电车 , 循环利用消费品 , 与大自然和谐相处 。
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整理共享单车英语作文 共享单车英语作文范文带翻译

