七年级英语作文60词左右 七年级英语作文范文10篇( 三 )

当我们问一个外国人对中国的`印象是什么,然后他告诉你美味的食物和中国功夫 。中国功夫已经成为了一个符号,让世界通过中国功夫去认识中国的第一人是李小龙 。虽然他死了,但他至今仍有很多粉丝,所有人都知道他 。然后成龙让中国功夫在全世界都出名,他的电影很搞笑,通过各种各样的行动 。许多好莱坞导演来中国寻求合作,他们想让电影包含有中国功夫 。功夫是我们文化的一部分,世界也通过功夫去认识我们 。
七年级英语作文 篇8The benefits of reading a lot.
Study raises a gender, reading can cultivate their temperament, make oneself is so mild and gentle, have the bookish; Read volumes, such as writing, reading can improve our writing skills, writing articles is sharp; Old tire back to read, read up on thoughtful child knows, reading can improve understanding ability, as long as the master thought, you will know the truth; Reading can make their own knowledge accumulation, the gentleman to gather. In short, the hobby reading is a good thing. Let's have to study.
The benefits of reading has a lot of, I introduce you to the following:
1. Can make us see the world, don't go out, that is what's going on in the world.
2. Can improve our ability of reading and writing level.
3. We can make the change has the tutelage.
4. Can let us find a good job.
5. Can make us in an impregnable position in the fierce competition in the society.
Actually there are many benefits of reading, is up to you to find slowly.
读书的好处很多 。
读书养性 , 读书可以陶冶自己的性情 , 使自己温文尔雅 , 具有书卷气;读书破万卷 , 下笔如有神 , 多读书可以提高写作能力 , 写文章就才思敏捷;旧书不厌百回读 , 熟读深思子自知 , 读书可以提高理解能力 , 只要熟读深思 , 你就可以知道其中的道理了;读书可以使自己的知识得到积累 , 君子学以聚之 。总之 , 爱好读书是好事 。让我们都来读书吧 。
读书的好处有很多 , 我给你介绍以下几点:
1.可以使我们增长见识 , 不出门 , 便可知天下事 。
2.可提高我们的阅读能力和写作水平 。
3.可以使我们变的有修养 。
4.可以使我们找到好工作 。
5.可以使我们在竞争激烈的社会立于不败之地 。
其实读书有很多好处 , 就等有心人去慢慢发现 。
七年级英语作文 篇9My sister is a lovely girl. She has a nice English Name, “Elsa”. She is very clever and pretty. She is eight years old so she is old enough to go to school. This year, she tells me that she is a student now.
One day, my aunt took her to my home. My aunt had something important to do and had no time to look after her, so she told me to take care of her. First, I played with her for a short time.
I thought the game was boring, so I taught her some polite words, such as hello, please, sorry… She listened carefully. Suddenly, there was a person knocking on the door.
Elsa went to the door to open it. Afterwards, she was polite to say, “Please come in.”
Do you think she is lovely and clever? I think you will say, “Yes, I do.”
七年级英语作文 篇10This summer holiday I very happy.Bcause the Beijing Oimpic Games were very excating and I went to Jiaozuo and Yantai to take a vacation. I saw the rivers, waterfalls, mountains and valleys, and the sea.I made a lot of photos there, In the world is like paradise.And I also ate a lot of food,they are very tasty! The air is very fresh,and the weather is very cool!
I watched the Olympic torch pass,it was very exciting,I went there very early and stant at the front row.so,I could see it clearly. and took a lot of photos there, and then sent them to my blog.
