苹果Touch4 iPod Touch4

ipod touch4. This was a species of amphibian that evolved from a group of fish known as tetrapods, or "amphibious reptiles", that lived in shallow seas. Its closest relative is the salamander, but it is only one species of salamander, the tetrapods were note tetrapods were not included in the classification. This taxonomic name is applied only to the genus, because the genus was named by Carl Linnaeus in his Systema Naturae, and a later group of taxonomists, in turn, named the genus after Linnaeus's genus and taxonomic nameus and taxonomic name (1658). Linnaeus originally thought that the genus represented "the most complete and perfect form" of the genus Linneaus, but later thought that this was wrong, and that other taxonomists had done a better job of identifying it as a new genus. In 1802 。
touch4发布于2010年9月,是ipod touch第四代产品,与当时的旗舰iphone4一样的A4处理器、iOS系统以及Retina显示屏,拥有同iPhone4相媲美的娱乐功能 。
touch4一直都被iphone4的巨大光芒所掩盖,真正让它声名鹊起的还是当时国内的苹果皮 。iphone4发布时被炒到了天价,并且还买不到,很多人都瞄上了当时同样配置的touch4,但touch4并没有通讯功能,这时作为山寨机发源地的华强北站出来了,推出了苹果皮 。

苹果Touch4 iPod Touch4

苹果皮集成了通讯功能,只需要把touch4越狱后像套保护壳一样套上苹果皮就可以实现通讯功能,功能同iphone4一模一样,而价格只要几百,苹果皮一推出就引起了热议,虽然后面被苹果公司起诉迅速消失了,touch4却因此销量大涨 。
touch4的A4芯片比起iphone4上的A4芯片是有所降频的,但在游戏性能上几乎没什么差异,touch4可以畅玩ios系统上所有的游戏,成了名副其实的游戏机 。不仅如此,系统音乐软件ipod上的cover flow是目前为止所有人的回忆,为了这个功能正常使用,当时下载音乐都要下载有封面的才罢休 。
苹果Touch4 iPod Touch4

cover flow
touch4最适合的版本是ios5,笔者的touch4之前是ios4,除了游戏,音乐app几乎都不能用了,为了能用上网易云,笔者升级到了ios6,运行app有时会卡顿一下,还能接受,游戏上完全没有问题 。
【苹果Touch4 iPod Touch4】拥有touch4的朋友还有没有在坚持用
