
New Year's money is a common tradition in many Asian countries, including China, Japan, and Korea. It is given to children during the Lunar New Year as a symbol of good luck and blessings for the year ahead. In Mandarin Chinese, it is called "ya sui qian" (压岁钱). The amount of money given can vary, but it is usually in a red envelope and should be an even number. This tradition not only brings joy to the children who receive it but also reminds us to cherish the importance of family and togetherness during the Lunar New Year.
一:压岁钱英文怎么说每年春节,长辈们给晚辈压岁钱是一种习俗 。那么你知道压岁钱的英语怎么写吗?下面是我为你整理的压岁钱的英语拼写,希望大家喜欢!!
压岁钱的英语拼写1.money given to children as a lunar New Year gift
2.gift money
关于压岁钱的英文短语【压岁钱英文怎么说?压岁钱英文介绍简短】得压岁钱 get the lucky money
晒晒压岁钱 Canada Goose Expedition
收压岁钱 get lucky money
或压岁钱 Or Lucky Money
分压岁钱 Distributing Ya Sui Money
拿压岁钱 Get Lucky Money
新年压岁钱 The Lucky Money in New Year
帮孩子打理压岁钱 Popular Business
孩子们的压岁钱 The children are lucky money ; Children's gift ; Children's New Year money
关于压岁钱的英文例句磕头拜年,父母给压岁钱 。
They will give us new year money.
父母亲给他们的小孩子装著红包的压岁钱 。
Parents give their children lucky money in red envelopes.
嗯,就是差不多大概一千多,两千元,我在外面课外班上课,然后就是用压岁钱,要交学费 。
I use it to pay the tuition fee for my afterschool classes.
自馨羽在2008年出生后,她每年得到的压岁钱不少于10000元 。
Since she was born in 2008, the money Xinyu has received has never been less than 10,000 yuan.
梁昊的原始资本是他积攒多年的7万元“压岁钱” 。
Liang's initial capital was the 70, 000-yuan "lucky money" that he had saved over the years.
春节的时候,能收好多压岁钱 。
During the Spring Festival, I can receive a lot of money, about 1 or 2 thousand Yuan.
睡觉前,孩子们把压岁钱放在枕头底下或是衣服口袋里 。
Before sleeping, children put "lucky money" in under the pillow or clothes pocket.
那我在中国也要准备压岁钱了 。
So I should also prepare "lucky money" in China.
然后,喜欢上雷锋,每天盼望着遇到一位迷路的老大娘,然后送她去车站,用压岁钱给她买回家的车票(这个梦想,到现在也没实现) 。
Then, likes Lei Feng, every day was hoping meets an inner ear the aunty, then delivers her to go to the station, the ticket which buys to her (this dream, Has not realized to the present).
我喜欢在新年期间收到压岁钱 。
I like to get lucky money during Chinese New Year.
中国小孩是父母和亲戚给“压岁钱”,美国小孩是从圣诞白叟那边获得圣诞礼品 。
As Chinese kids get "lucky money" from their parents and relatives, American children get Christmas presents from Santa Claus.
我认为父母拿走小孩子全部的压岁钱是能接受的 。
I think it is acceptable that parents take all the New Year money from young kids.
Lighting firecrackers, giving Hong Bao to children, writing spring couplets … Are there any stories behind these customs?
在春节,人们互相拜年,孩子们收到很多爸爸妈妈、爷爷奶奶给的压岁钱 。
During the Spring Festival, people say "Happy New Year! " to each other and kids get lots of gift money from their parents and grandparents.
一般是这样,家里给压岁钱就是给我们这小孩子 。磕头拜年,父母给压岁钱 。
