烦恼的英文a开头 烦恼的英文名词

Worry is a noun that refers to a state of being anxious or uneasy about a situation or event, often accompanied by negative thoughts or feelings. It can be caused by a variety of things such as a personal problem, a difficult decision, a job-related issue, or a health concern. Worrying can be harmful to one's mental and physical well-being, leading to stress, anxiety, insomnia, and other health problems. Learning to manage worry and finding ways to cope with it can help individuals lead a happier and healthier life.
misery英 [?m?z?ri] 美 [?m?z?ri]
n. 痛苦,苦难;穷困,悲惨境遇;<英,非正式>老发牢骚的人
【名】 (Misery)(法)米斯里(人名)
[ 复数 miseries ]
A Dream Of Misery 悲伤的梦 ; 不睦的梦
Misery loves company 同病相怜 ; 祸不单行 ; 难中喜有伴 ; 唱片名
Tax Misery index 税负痛苦指数 ; 缴税痛苦指数 ; 税收痛苦指数
misery [ 'miz?ri ]
n.a state of ill-being due to affliction or misfortune"the misery and wretchedness of those slums is intolerable"
同义词: wretchedness miserableness
a feeling of intense unhappiness"she was exhausted by her misery and grief"
以上来源于: WordNet
misery /?m?z?r?/ CET6 TEM4
1. N-VAR Misery is great unhappiness. 苦难
例:All that money brought nothing but sadness and misery and tragedy.
那些钱带来的只有悲哀、苦难和不幸 。
2. N-UNCOUNT Misery is the way of life and unpleasant living conditions of people who are very poor. 穷困
例:A tiny, educated elite profited from the misery of their two million fellow countrymen.
一个小小的受过教育的精英团体从他们两百万同胞的穷困中获了利 。
3. PHRASE If someone makes your life a misery, they behave in an unpleasant way towards you over a period of time and make you very unhappy. 使某人的生活非常不开心
例:I would really like living here if it wasn't for the gangs of kids who make our lives a misery.
要不是那一群群的孩子搅得我们生活不宁,我还是挺喜欢住在这里的 。
4. PHRASE If you put someone out of their misery, you tell them something that they are very anxious to know. 告知情况 (使不再焦虑) [非正式]
例:Please put me out of my misery. How do you do it?请别让我着急了 。你是怎么做的呀?
5. PHRASE If you put an animal out of its misery, you kill it because it is sick or injured and cannot be cured or healed. 杀死 (动物) 以使其摆脱痛苦
例:He notes grimly that the Watsons have called the vet to put their dog out of its misery.
他难过地记录下沃森家已经给兽医打了 *** ,要永远结束他们家狗的痛苦 。
n. 痛苦,悲惨;不幸;苦恼;穷困 *** art , disaster , hurt , evil , grief
sorrow, agony, grief, anguish, torment, distress, misery, torture
sorrow 语气比grief弱,指因不幸、损失或失望等所产生的悲伤 。
agony 侧重指精神或身体痛苦的剧烈程度 。
grief 指由某种特殊处境或原因造成的强烈的感情上的苦恼与悲痛 。
anguish 指精神方面令人难以忍受的极度痛苦;用于身体时,多指局部或暂时的痛苦 。
torment 强调烦恼或痛苦的长期性 。
distress 多指因思想上的压力紧张、恐惧、忧虑等所引起的精神上的痛苦,也可指某种灾难带来的痛苦 。
misery 着重痛苦的可悲状态,多含不幸、可怜或悲哀的意味 。
torture 语气比toment强,指在精神或肉体上受到的折磨所产生的痛苦 。
Fame brought her nothing but misery.
名声只给她带来了痛苦 。
