精卫填海英语作文80词 精卫填海英语作文初一

精卫填海英语作文初一上册第二单元 。这篇文章主要介绍了一个关于海洋的故事,文章语言生动活泼,通过对海洋的描写,表达了自己对大海的热爱之情 。希望同同学们在阅读的过程中,不仅能学习到知识,还能体会到作文的乐趣 。下面是文章的摘抄:一只小船在海上航行,突然一个浪打来,船翻了,小船沉沉入了海底 。这时,一个渔夫出现了,他救起了小船,并把它带回了家 。小船上的人感激不尽,纷纷邀请他到家里做客 。
一:精卫填海英语作文初一Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Nuwa. Her father was Emperor Yan and he loved her. Nuwa often played with her father, so they were very happy. One day, Nuwa traveled on the sea by boat, but the sea was very rough. Nuwa died in the sea, because the sea destroyed the little boat. Next, she changed into a bird, its name was Jingwei. Emperor Yan watched Jingwei, because he know she was his daughter. And then, Jingwei flew away. It decided to level up the sea with carpolites. Finally, the sea was very*** ooth. Heard me℡二:精卫填海英语作文60字
According to legend, Jingwei was the youngest daughter of Emperor Yan Shennong, named Nuwa, who went to the East China Sea one day to play and drowned in the water.
相传精卫本是炎帝神农氏的小女儿,名唤女娃,一日小女孩到东海游玩,溺于水中 。zhi
After his death, his uneven spirit turned into a kind of divine bird with flower heads, white bills and red claws, carrying stones and plants from the mountains every day.
死后其不平的精灵化作花脑袋、白嘴壳、红色爪子的一种神鸟,每天从山上衔来石子和木头 。
Into the East China Sea, and then issued a "Jingwei, Jingwei" cry, as if calling themselves.
投入东海,然后发出“精卫、精卫”的悲鸣,好像在呼唤着自己 。

精卫填海英语作文80词 精卫填海英语作文初一

三:精卫填海英语作文80词Once upon a time, there was a girl named Jingwei.
从前,有一个女孩叫做精卫 。
She loved her father Yandi very much. They often played together and were very happy every day.
她很爱自己的父亲炎帝,他们经常在一起玩,每天都很开心 。
One day, Jingwei went boating and accidentally fell into the sea. Later, she became a bird.
有一天,精卫去划船,不小心掉进了海里,后来她变成了一只鸟 。
She often visits her father, who is very sad about it. Later Jingwei decided to fill the sea with stones.
【精卫填海英语作文80词 精卫填海英语作文初一】她经常去看她的父亲,她的父亲为此很伤心 。后来精卫决定用石子把那个海填起来 。
