
毕业成绩英文怎么说Graduate grades are usually referred to as "classification of degree" in English. This expression is usually used to refer to the overall result of a student's studies in a degree or diploma program.
A student's classification of degree is usually based on a combination of the grades received in each course and the average overall grade. Generally, the classification of degree is graded from highest to lowest, and is usually expressed as a percentage or a letter grade. As an example, the highest classification of degree is usually a first-class honors degree, which is usually awarded to students who achieved an average grade of 70% or higher.
【毕业成绩英文怎么说】In some cases, a student's overall classification of degree may be further broken down into a detailed grade profile, which may also be expressed as a letter grade or percentage. This grade profile will usually include the individual grades of each course, as well as an overall grade which reflects the student's average grade for all courses taken.
The classification of degree is an important factor in determining a student's future academic and professional prospects. Therefore, it is important for students to work hard in their studies in order to achieve the best possible classification of degree.
