关于垃圾分类的英语高考作文( 二 )

纸巾是可回收物,对吗?我们大家都把右手举得高高的,回答问题 。
Today, miss deng gave us a meaningful class session on garbage classification.
Host Liao Zitong showed us a lot about garbage sorting pictures, such as: blue trash can will be trash can will be kitchen waste recycling, green, red, trash can will be hazardous waste, gray trash can will be other rubbish. We looked at the garbage unclassified, and the piles of rubbish attracted a lot of flies, and we all felt sick.
"Everyone looked at this picture and it was disgusting, right?" The teacher said.
【关于垃圾分类的英语高考作文】"Yes," we all said.
"Did everyone know what to do?" The teacher said.
"Well! We got it! After that we should classify rubbish to keep our city from getting dirty, "they said.
Then, liao zitong read us the problem of garbage classification. For e某ample: the dining bo某 is kitchen waste, right?
Tissues are recyclables, right? All of us raised our right hands high and answered questions.
Everyone answered very correctly, in the blink of an eye, the school is about to end, a meaningful class meeting is coming to an end! We all cherish this few minutes, a few minutes later, we say goodbye to this meaningful class!
