

啊,我们家里实施了新标准(垃圾要分类),每一个人都要负责一个工作岗位,垃圾分类好生活才干净 。奶奶负责垃圾的分类,而我是家里的监督人员,负责做出提醒要大家把垃圾分类好 。
奶奶洗菜时用一个专用袋子装起吃完饭的剩菜、果皮 。咦?妈妈看电视时吃掉的光子皮放在其他垃圾里,赶快倒出来放进厨余垃圾袋里,妈妈我要对你的行为做出提醒,不可以把吃剩的东西倒进装其它垃圾的垃圾桶里 。知道了!
起床了,看见爸爸要把装厨余垃圾的垃圾袋放进其它垃圾的回收桶里,我赶紧提醒爸爸放进厨余垃圾的桶里才行 。当然了,作为家里的监督人员自身也要做得好才行 。没用的纸张放进可回收垃圾桶,要做好分类工作我的奶奶最有体会,她告诉我没用的电池不可以随便乱放,要放进有害垃圾的垃圾桶才行,这些知识真的很有用,现在把家里弄得干干净净,多漂亮 。
Ah, we have a new standard in our house (garbage classification), everyone is responsible for a job, garbage sorted well life is clean. Grandma was responsible for the garbage classification, and I was the supervisor of the family, responsible for making a reminder to have the garbage sorted out.
Grandma washed dishes with a special bag for the leftovers and skins. Yi? Mom watching TV when eat photons skin in other garbage, pour into the kitchen waste garbage bag quickly, mom, I want to alert with your behavior, could not put the leftovers into other rubbish bins. Know!
When I got up, I saw my father putting the garbage bag in other garbage bins, and I quickly reminded dad to put the garbage in the bucket. And, of course, as the family"s supervisor, you have to do well. Worthless paper in the recycling bin, want to do a good job classification most e某perience, my grandmother she told me that it"s no use battery can not be casually put, have to in hazardous waste bin, these knowledge are really useful, now contrive to clean, more beautiful.
大家都知道现在的地球被大家垃圾不分类的坏习惯破坏,你知道为什么这几天会下雨呢?因为地球生病了,一直在拉肚子,我们要救地球,让吴中的明天更美好 。
又一次,我去上方山看见大片大片的桃花,真是生机勃勃,我们继续往前走,一片水池被污染了一大堆垃圾浮在水面上,还看见打捞上来的一节费电池,电池只要抛到河里就可以污染5平方米的水源,电池的威力太可怕了 。接下去我们来到烧烤区,那里有三个垃圾桶可回收垃圾桶、其他垃圾、有害垃圾,我就跑过去看看垃圾分类有没有分错,可是里面空如也,一个东西都没有,我想不可能,看见人们在烧烤,他们的垃圾都往一个垃圾桶扔,已经满了还扔,真没素质 。
只要我们不扔垃圾,末来吴中更美丽 。
Everyone knows that the earth is now being destroyed by the bad habits of our garbage. Do you know why it"s going to rain these days? Because the earth is sick and has been pulling our stomachs, we need to save the earth and make the future of wu better.
Once again, I went to ShangFangShan saw vast e某panses of peach blossom, is a vibrant, we continue to go forward, a pool of water has been polluted a pile of rubbish floating on the surface of the water, also saw the numberous section battery, battery just thrown into the river pollution 5 square meters of water, the power of battery is terrible. Ne某t, we went to a barbecue area, there are three garbage bins recycled trash can, other waste, hazardous waste, I ran past see if garbage classification is wrong, but empty inside, such as, also a thing all have no, I don"t think possible, see people in the barbecue, their garbage into a garbage can throw, is full still throw, really didn"t quality.
As long as we don"t throw rubbish, we will be more beautiful.
今天,邓老师给我们上了一节有意义的班会课,题目是:垃圾分类 。
主持人廖子彤给我们看了许多关於垃圾分类的图片,比如:蓝色垃圾桶是可回收物、绿色垃圾桶是厨余垃圾、红色垃圾桶是有害垃圾、灰色垃圾桶是其他垃圾 。还给我们看了垃圾不分类,一堆堆的垃圾引来了许多苍蝇,我们看了都觉得很噁心 。
“大家看了这张图片,都觉得很噁心对吧?”老师说 。
“是的”我们大家说 。
“那大家以后都知道怎样做了吗?”老师说 。
“嗯!我们知道了!以后我们应该分类垃圾不让我们的城市变得脏兮兮的”大家一起说 。
然后,廖子彤给我们读了垃圾分类的问题 。比如:餐盒是厨余垃圾,对吗?
