1、复活节的英语介绍:In the past, in most western countries, there was usually a grand religious procession on Easter. The marchers wore a gown, holding the cross and advancing barefoot. They dressed up as Christian historical figures and sang carols to celebrate Jesuss resurrection. Today, the festival parade has lost its strong religious color. The festival parade is permeated with a festive atmosphere with strong folk characteristics and local characteristics.
【复活节的英语介绍 复活节的英语介绍级译文】2、复活节译文:过去,在多数西方国家里,复活节一般要举行盛大的宗教游行 。游行者身穿长袍 , 手持十字架,赤足前进 。他们打扮成基督教历史人物,唱着颂歌欢庆耶稣复活 。如今节日游行已失去往日浓厚的宗教色彩 。节日游行洋溢着喜庆的气氛具有浓烈的民间特色和地方特色 。
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