1、国际爱牙日英语翻译为International tooth-friendly day 。
【国际爱牙日的英文 国际爱牙日的意义】2、国际爱牙日简介:In 1989, the ministry of health, education and other ministries and commissions jointly signed, the annual September 20 as the National Day of loving teeth. The aim is to mobilize the power of the society to prevent and protect dental diseases and popularize dental knowledge among the public through tooth day activities, enhance oral health concept and self-awareness of oral health, and establish oral health behavior, so as to improve the oral health level of the whole nation.(1989年,由卫生部、教委等部委联合签署,确定每年的9月20日为全国爱牙日 。宗旨是通过爱牙日活动,广泛动员社会的力量 , 在群众中进行牙病预防、保护牙齿知识的普及教育,增强口腔健康观念和自我口腔保健的意识,建立口腔保健行为,从而提高全民族的口腔健康水平 。)
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