

1、I just copied all the new words.我刚抄写了所有的生词 。
2、I have been reading a book these days.这几天我一直在看一本书 。
3、She left home less than a year ago.她离开家还不到一年 。
4、I just finished reading.我刚读完书 。
5、I just finished my homework.我刚刚完成我的家庭作业 。
6、This is the best film I have ever seen.这是我看过的最好的电影 。
7、I know you came to see your father.我知道你来看你的爸爸 。
8、Have you ever thrown anything on the ground?你有没有往地上扔过东西?
9、She has been teaching in this school for ten years.她在这所学校教书已经10年了 。
10、This is my first visit to the city.这是我第一次访问这座城市 。
【现在完成时造句】11、Have you ever been abroad?你出国过吗?
12、I have never seen him before.以前我从来没有见过他 。
13、I just came back from France.我刚从法国回来 。
14、We have been waiting for you for half an hour.我们已经等你半个小时了 。
15、The rain stopped when I woke up.我醒来时雨已停了 。
16、I just turned off the light.我刚刚把灯关上 。
17、I haven"t heard from him so far.到目前为止我没有他的任何消息 。
18、I surf every day.我每天都冲浪 。
19、The key she lost was found.她丢失的钥匙找到了 。
20、Have you joined the computer group?你加入电脑小组了吗?
21、I"ve only been there twice.我只去过那里两次 。
22、We just cleaned the classroom.我们刚好打扫了教室 。
23、I"ve spent all my money.我把钱都花完了 。
24、How many songs has he learned so far?他到目前为止学了多少歌了?
25、This is the first time I"ve heard him sing.这是我第一次听他唱歌 。
26、Have you ever traveled by air?你坐飞机旅行过吗?
27、I have done two part-time jobs.我已经做了两份兼职工作 。
28、I just had two apples.我刚刚吃了两个苹果 。
29、He said he knew her very well.他说他很熟悉她 。
30、How long have you been working in this library?你在这家图书馆工作多久了?
31、I"ve played the piano.我已经弹过钢琴了 。
32、Have you found your pen yet?你已找到你的钢笔了吗?
33、He has been in the League for three years.他入团已三年了 。
34、I haven"t seen Jamie in two months.我两个月没见杰米了 。
35、I"ve been here for two weeks.我已经在这里呆了两周了 。
36、I have returned the book I borrowed.我已归还了我借的书 。
37、He has turned off the light.他已把灯关了 。
38、She lost her bike.她把自行车丢了 。
39、I never went there.我从来没去那里 。
40、I have found my bag.我已经找到了我的书包 。
41、He has done a lot of work in the past two years.他在过去两年中他做了许多工作 。
42、We have seen that film.我们已经看过那部电影了 。
43、They have been building a bridge.他们一直在造一座桥 。
44、She didn"t travel by train.她没有坐火车旅行过 。
45、Did I pick up the rubbish and throw it into the dustbin?我有没有把垃圾捡起来扔进垃圾筒呢?
46、Gil bought a new computer.吉尔买了一台新电脑 。
47、I think I sent the letter a week ago.我认为我一星期前就把信寄出去了 。
48、She didn"t go to bed until she had finished her work.她直到把工作做完之后才睡觉 。
49、She lost her book.她丢失了她的书 。
50、My father always goes to work by bike.我父亲一向骑车上班 。
