definitely怎么造句 definitely造句并解释

definitely怎么造句 definitely造句并解释


definitely怎么造句 definitely造句并解释

1、1. She states her views very?definitely.
她非常明确地阐述自己的观点 。
2、This is?definitely?a message from God.
这肯定是上帝发出的启示 。
3、For confirmation dialog boxes to work, they must only appear when a user will almost?definitely?click the No or Cancel button, and they should never appear when a user is likely to click the Yes or OK button.
【definitely怎么造句 definitely造句并解释】对于确认对话框来说,它们通常只能在用户明确单击了“否”或“取消”按钮后才会出现 。当用户可能单击“是”或“确定”按钮时,永远不应该出现 。
4、Definitely?more independent corroboration is necessary.
有必要更明确地进一步证实 。
5.、This facility is?definitely?for frequent users, particularly mouse-heavy users, and not at all for first-timers.
这种用法肯定是针对那些频繁使用的用户,尤其是经常使用鼠标的用户设计的 , 而不是为新手用户设计的 。
6、 If a thing is worth saying with a dialog box, it’s worth ensuring that a user?definitely?gets the message.
如果某件事值得用对话框来表达,则确保用户清楚地获得这些信息也是值得的 。
7、However, they will?definitely?demand faster access to their regular working set of tools, which may be quite large.
可以肯定的是对经常使用的工具集 , 他们要求能快速访问,这个工具集可能非常大 。
