有志者事竟成英语作文( 二 )

Exercised by "present wheel revolutions = the diameter of the wheel (certain) so the exercise of the journey and wheel revolution into a direct ratio 。Of course, this is my conclusion, also don"t know what is right or wrong 。But when the teacher to explain the problem,I immediately dumbfounded 。I want to and the teacher told by almost the same 。I whim, as long as you tried, in the end there will be harvested 。Efforts will be successful 。
"Where there is a will there is a way" 。
每个人都不是一生出来就是笨的 。学数学也是一样,但是为什么就是有些人数学学的好,有些人却觉得数学学起来很难呢?那就要看你有没有努力去学了 。
我也一样,一开学,老师让我们预习的时候 。我翻开新书,可一点儿也看不懂,经过我的深思熟虑,再加上老师的讲解,我都开始清楚、认识了 。一开始觉得难的事情,以后去学了就觉得很容易了 。记得有一次,我正在学习正比例与反比例关系的知识,看到这一题时,顿时把我给难住了:
一、决定题中的两种量是不是成比例,成什么比例 。
(车轮的直径必须,所行使的路程和车轮转数 。)
老师说这道题是成正比例 。那时侯我就想不通了 。车轮的直径又不是周长,和车轮转数能扯上什么关系呢?经过我的努力思考,总算得出一个结论来了:因为圆周率是必须的(即3 。14),也就是圆周率×直径=圆的周长 。车轮转几次就有几个圆的周长 。
所行使的路程&pide;车轮转数=车轮的直径(必须)所以所行使的路程和车轮转数成正比例 。当然,这只是我的结论,还不明白是对还是错的 。可当老师讲解这道题的时候,我立刻傻眼了 。我想的和老师所讲的几乎一模一样 。我突发奇想,只要你努力过 , 到最后还是会有收获的 。努力就会成功 。
“有志者事竟成” 。
Where there is a will there is a way 英语作文80字
The secret of success is not so much money as a strong will 。A great man is one who has a strong will and an indomitable spirit 。In other words, if a man does not have a strong will to win the final victory,he will never succeed in his life 。He is no more than a failure 。It is quite obvious that there is no difficult thing in the world 。if you make up your mind to do it,you will certainly acplish your end 。That stands to reason 。
成功的要诀不是金钱而是一个坚强的意志(用not so mush 。。。as) 。一个大人物是一个具有坚强意志和不屈不挠精神的人 。换句话说,如果一个人没有坚强意志去获得最后胜利的人,他终其一生永远不会成功 。他只但是是(用no more than)一个失败者 。很显明的世界上并没有难事 。如果你下定决心去做它,你必须会到达目的 。那是显而易见的 。
Where there is a will,there is a way 。This statement means that if you are really determined to do something,however difficult it might be,you will eventually find a way to do it well 。The important point is that you must have the will to achieve success 。
Ninety percent of the failures that occur are due to the fact that there is no strong will involved 。Many people simply say that they want something,but they do not make any attempt to achieve it 。So,instead of getting it,they use the feeblest excuse to explain the situation away 。
Only those with an undaunted will and spirit can fight their way to final victory 。Many a famous man has the same experience 。They have attained their status because they have had the will to overe apparently insuperable obstacles 。Many artists,statesmen,writers and inventors have managed to succeed because they possess a fierce will , which has helped them to achieve success 。
According to the above statements ,  we can see that what one needs is a strong will 。Weak-willed people never climb to the top 。They crumble at the slightest use of force against them 。Strong-willed people ,  on the other hand,will stand up against all odds and will make it a point to succeed ultimately 。
It is a mon phenomenon that college students cram for the final examinations at the eleventh hour 。which seems to be effective at the moment but does harm to study in the long run 。
As a matter of fact, it’s a wrong attitude as well as an inappropriate approch to study 。Firstly,study is a lifelong mitment while short-time study will meet the requirements 。Besides,without truly understanding the knowledge,we could never obtain and make use of it within short time 。Generally speaking,the acquisition of knowledge requires hardword while cramming simply doesn’t work 。Therefore,it’s better to set up study goals earlier than late 。Similarly,it’s better to prepare for the exams early than late 。
