有志者事竟成英语作文( 四 )

Where there is a Will There is a Way I want to ask you one question at first, if you want to make a success,what do you think the chief character for you? Maybe most of the people would say capability,persistence and so on ,  but I think the most important character is the —— the strong will that you do want to make a success 。
As we all know the sentence “ where there is the will there is the way”,it prove to us that if you are determined to do the things well,you must have strong will to make it though there are lots of difficulties 。
Some people lost causes they do not have the strong will ,  they know what they want but they really do not know how to get it 。If someone really wants to succeed,he will not allow negative factor to prevent him 。Only those with an undaunted will and spirit can fight their way to victory 。
I know many words,they all gave me different inspirations 。Can let me forget the sentence is: where there is a will there is a way 。It tells me, a person want to get things done,there must be perseverance,have ambition, have a persistent perseverance 。
One afternoon ,  the teacher assigned a hard arithmetic to do for us 。I take the title home,carefully read a few times,still can"t find the problem solving method 。The desk I listlessly meditation ,  they found nothing 。So I decided to plete other assignments,and then to solve the "obstacle" 。After a while,I finished the other work 。Can this problem just now,I really can"t, had to be the "master" to mom,please give me advice!
"Down" to help I looked at the topic, and write to me ,  and speak, but I how also don"t understand 。"Master" left,I sat there,I do not know what to do 。All of a sudden, I looked up and saw a desk opposite a few words posted on the wall: where there is a will there is a way 。So I dozen spirit,read again and again, think carefully,attentively to consider the problem solving methods,finally put the word "obstacle" to solve!
The classmates ,  before any difficulty ,  as long as we believe in yourself,hold on to the end,we will be able to make it we want to do 。
我认识许多名言,它们都给过我不一样的启示 。可让我刻骨铭心的一句是:有志者事竟成 。它告诉了我 , 一个人要想把事情做好,就要有恒心,有志气 , 有坚持不懈的毅力 。
一天下午,老师布置了一道很难的算术题给我们做 。我把题目带回家 , 仔细读了几遍,还是找不到解题的方法 。我无精打采地趴在书桌上苦思冥想,还是一无所获 。于是,我决定先完成其它作业,再来解决这道“拦路虎” 。不一会儿 , 我就把其它作业做完了 。可刚才的这道题,我真是没办法,只好请妈妈这位“高人”来给我指点迷津!
“高人”帮我看了看题目,对着我又是写,又是讲,可我怎样也听不懂 。“高人”走后,我呆呆地坐在那里 , 不知如何是好 。突然,我抬头看见书桌对面的墙上贴着几个字:有志者事竟成 。于是 , 我打起精神,反复读题 , 仔细思考,聚精会神地思考解题方法,最后把这道“拦路虎”给解决了!
【有志者事竟成英语作文】同学们,在任何困难面前,只要我们相信自我,坚持到底 , 就必须能做成我们想做的事情 。
