go语言填写调查问卷库 go语言系统调用( 四 )

How far can you live from your family and be comfortable?
About one hour's drive. On one hand, I want to have some private room, on the other hand, I often miss my family and would like to go home to visit my families if I am free. Hence, I couldn't live my family too far away.
What is your religion?How do you practice it?If you do not practice a religion formally,please explain describe your belief system and how it influences your life.
I have no religion. However , inflenced from the elders, I will pray when in trouble, which is a way that add me confidence and bravery.
Name and describe three people that you most admire or want to be like?
Yao Ming. He set a extremely good example for the world that Chinese is like that.
Barack Obama He tried his best to be the firt black president and did well in making full use of any media,such twitter.
Micheal Jacson Though his growth is so poor, he still spained no pains to show his talent and prove that he is a genius.
Please list the five most important objects that you own?Explain why they are important to you.
Computer. It is the updateest encyclopedia so that it can deal with any of my questions.
Mobilephone. I can get in touch with my friends without any barriers.
Beautiful clothes. I can be more confident no matter what occation I am.
A comfortable house. I will live more happily if my house is larger and more comfortable.
A chance of traveling to Jerusalem. It is my dream to Jerusalem to watch the sunset.
How do you contribute to your community?In what ways do you help your parents, your school, your neighbors, your city and your country?
My community is very nice, we are all friendly and willing to help others. In my opinion, the most practical way I help them is that I try my best to study well and then create better conditions for them. Certainly, I am willing to offer to them for any work that I can do.
What is your favorite way to spend free time?What kinds of books, movies, music, games, sports, or other activities do you find most appealing?
Reading is my favorite way to spend free time. I like foreign novels, thriller, and some scient books.
What is the most important current event issue that concerns you and why?
Money. I am going to college and my elder sister is in college at present. As a result, it is extremely difficult for my parents to provide enough money for us to college. We are just a poor family of a poor village.
What comes to mind when you think of the following places:
United States
Big Apple
Very interesting
cherry blossoms
Artificial beauty
Racial discrimination
special custom
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