vb.net生日年龄 vb怎么改年龄

VB生日,年龄问题Private Sub Command1_Click()
If IsDate(Text1) = False Then
MsgBox "输入时间错误!"
Exit Sub
End If
Text2 = Round(DateDiff("m", Text1, Now) / 12, 1)"岁"
End Sub
vb题 输入身份证根据出生年月日计算年纪,用到两个文本框,一个输入一个输出Public Class 主窗体
Dim 身份证号码 As String
Dim 生日年份 As String
Dim 生日月份 As String
Dim 生日日期 As String
Dim 生日 As Date
Private Sub 输出生日按钮_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles 输出生日按钮.Click
If 身份证号码输入框.TextLength = 15 Then
身份证号码 = 身份证号码输入框.Text
生日年份 = "19"身份证号码.Substring(6, 2)
生日月份 = 身份证号码.Substring(8, 2)
生日日期 = 身份证号码.Substring(10, 2)
ElseIf 身份证号码输入框.TextLength = 18
身份证号码 = 身份证号码输入框.Text
生日年份 = 身份证号码.Substring(6, 4)
生日月份 = 身份证号码.Substring(10, 2)
生日日期 = 身份证号码.Substring(12, 2)
MsgBox("请输入正确的身份证号码!", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "身份证号码有误")
Exit Sub
End If
If IsNumeric(生日年份) And IsNumeric(生日月份) And IsNumeric(生日日期) Then
生日 = New Date(生日年份, 生日月份,生日日期)
End If
生日标签.Text = 生日.ToLongDateString
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
End Class
这是 .NET 的,有疑问请追问
知道出生日期如何计算年龄vb编程Function age(ByVal till As Date, ByVal birth As Date) As String
'计算年龄vb.net生日年龄,几岁几个月几天vb.net生日年龄 , till:截止日期vb.net生日年龄,birth生日
Dim year As Integer = 0 '年
year = till.Year - birth.Year
If year0 Then
Return ""
End If
If year = 0 Then
End If
If year0 Then
If till.Monthbirth.Month Then
year = year - 1
ElseIf till.Monthbirth.Month Then
ElseIf till.Month = birth.Month Then
If till.Daybirth.Day Then
year = year - 1
ElseIf till.Day = birth.Day Then
End If
End If
End If
Dim month As Integer = till.Month - birth.Month
If month0 Then
month = 12 + month
If till.Daybirth.Day Then
month = month - 1
ElseIf till.Day = birth.Day Then
End If
ElseIf month = 0 Then
If till.Daybirth.Day Then
'从天数看,已经超过了今天vb.net生日年龄的日期 , 而且肯定不是同一年
month = 11
ElseIf till.Day = birth.Day Then
End If
ElseIf month0 Then
If till.Daybirth.Day Then
month = month - 1
ElseIf till.Day = birth.Day Then
End If
End If
Dim day As Integer = till.Day - birth.Day
If day = 0 Then
ElseIf day0 Then
day = Date.DaysInMonth(birth.Year, birth.Month) - birth.Day + till.Day
End If
Return year"岁"month"月"day"天"
End Function
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