想编写一个简单的java小程序运行在手机上 代码怎么实现首先配置环境 配置好J2ME环境
java小程序源代码,简单点的,100多行 , 谁有?。浚?/h2>// My car
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.border.*;
public class carshop extends JFrame
// JPanel to hold all pictures
private JPanel windowJPanel;
private String[] cars = { "","阿斯顿马丁", "美洲虎", "凯迪拉克",
"罗孚", "劳斯莱斯","别克"};
private int[] jiage = { 0,150000, 260000, 230000,
140000, 290000, 150000};
// JLabels for first snack shown
private JLabel oneJLabel;
private JLabel oneIconJLabel;
// JLabels for second snack shown
private JLabel twoJLabel;
private JLabel twoIconJLabel;
// JLabels for third snack shown
private JLabel threeJLabel;
private JLabel threeIconJLabel;
// JLabels for fourth snack shown
private JLabel fourJLabel;
private JLabel fourIconJLabel;
// JLabels for fifth snack shown
private JLabel fiveJLabel;
private JLabel fiveIconJLabel;
// JLabels for sixth snack shown
private JLabel sixJLabel;
private JLabel sixIconJLabel;
// JTextField for displaying snack price
private JTextArea displayJTextArea;
// JLabel and JTextField for user input
private JLabel inputJLabel;
private JComboBox selectCountryJComboBox;
private JLabel inputJLabel2;
private JTextField inputJTextField2;
// JButton to enter user input
private JButton enterJButton;
//JButton to clear the components
private JButton clearJButton;
// no-argument constructor
public carshop()
// create and position GUI components; register event handlers
private void createUserInterface()
// get content pane for attaching GUI components
Container contentPane = getContentPane();
// enable explicit positioning of GUI components
contentPane.setLayout( null );
// set up windowJPanel
windowJPanel = new JPanel();
windowJPanel.setBounds( 10, 20, 340, 200 );
windowJPanel.setBorder( new LineBorder( Color.BLACK ) );
windowJPanel.setLayout( null );
contentPane.add( windowJPanel );
// set up oneIconJLabel
oneIconJLabel = new JLabel();
oneIconJLabel.setBounds( 10, 20, 100, 65 );
oneIconJLabel.setIcon( new ImageIcon( "images/阿斯顿马丁.jpg" ) );
windowJPanel.add( oneIconJLabel );
// set up oneJLabel
oneJLabel = new JLabel();
oneJLabel.setBounds( 10, 60, 100, 70 );
oneJLabel.setText( "阿斯顿马丁" );
oneJLabel.setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
windowJPanel.add( oneJLabel );
// set up twoIconJLabel
twoIconJLabel = new JLabel();
twoIconJLabel.setBounds( 120, 20, 100, 65 );
twoIconJLabel.setIcon( new ImageIcon( "images/美洲虎.jpg" ) );
windowJPanel.add( twoIconJLabel );
// set up twoJLabel
twoJLabel = new JLabel();
twoJLabel.setBounds( 110, 60, 100, 70 );
twoJLabel.setText( "美洲虎" );
twoJLabel.setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
windowJPanel.add( twoJLabel );
// set up threeIconJLabel
threeIconJLabel = new JLabel();
threeIconJLabel.setBounds( 230, 20, 100, 65 );
threeIconJLabel.setIcon( new ImageIcon(
"images/凯迪拉克.jpg" ) );
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