reconstruct怎么造句 reconstruct造句例句

reconstruct怎么造句 reconstruct造句例句


reconstruct怎么造句 reconstruct造句例句

They tried to reconstruct the crime from the fragmentary pieces of information.
他们试图从零碎的信息中重建犯罪 。
Because you want to be able to reconstruct what happened later.
因为您希望能够重建以后发生的事情 。
Given this automaton a receiver can reconstruct an entire XML document by transmitting very little information.
给定这个自动机,接收器可以通过发送很少的信息来重建整个XML文档 。
The researchers hope to use their shell studies to reconstruct a record of environmental changes over the past several centuries.
研究人员希望利用他们的外壳研究来重建过去几个世纪环境变化的记录 。
One such behavior is that even when the weight array is severely degraded, it can reconstruct patterns.
一种这样的行为是,即使权重数组严重退化,它也可以重构模式 。
Thats a lot harder of a problem to solve if you need to reconstruct the fragmentation,yeah.
如果您需要重建碎片,那么要解决的问题要困难得多,是的 。
The project aims to find Lisas bones and possibly reconstruct her face using carbon dating, DNA analysis and forensic techniques.
该项目旨在寻找丽莎的骨头 , 并可能使用碳定年法,DNA分析和法医技术重建她的脸 。
But a team of researchers at the University of Leicester England have been using foul and funky fish to reconstruct our ancient ancestors.
但英国莱斯特大学的一组研究人员一直在用肮脏和古怪的鱼来重建我们的古老祖先 。
I applaud your contributions in working for a denuclearized North Koreain helping to reconstruct lraq, and in bringing stability to your neighbor, Afghanistan.
我替扬你为实现朝鲜无核化,帮助重建伊拉克以及为邻国阿富汗带来稳定所作的贡献 。
Police are trying to reconstruct the crime, eg by using actors at the place where it was committed or by assembling the known facts.
【reconstruct怎么造句 reconstruct造句例句】警察正试图通过在犯罪现场使用演员或汇总已知事实等手段来重构犯罪 。
