Epson 1390 Resetting Procedure
This document explains how to reset the Epson 1390 printer to the default factory setting. The printer is reset using the maintenance mode.
1. Turn on the printer and wait until it is completely powered up and ready to print.
2. Press and hold the “Resume” and “Power” buttons at the same time.
3. Keep both buttons pressed and then press the “Power” button once more to enter the maintenance mode.
4. On the display, enter the number “11” and press the “Resume” button.
5. The display should show “00,” and the printer should beep.
6. Now, press and hold the “Resume” button for about 10 seconds.
7. The display should show “Reset now,” and the printer should beep.
8. Finally, press the “Resume” button once more to reset the printer and exit the maintenance mode.
9. The printer should now be reset to the default factory setting.
【爱普生1390清零英文版】Note: Resetting the printer will erase all stored settings and restore the printer to its original state. Any settings that have been customized will need to be reconfigured after the reset procedure is complete.
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