Error 5B00 means that the waste ink tank is full.
Waste ink tank is a device that stores the ink used in printer’s cleaning and other processes. Over time, the tank gets filled and has to be replaced, in order to reset the printer.
【ip4900错误号码5b00】To fix this error, you have to physically replace the waste ink tank with a new one. First, open the printer and locate the waste ink tank. Take out the tank and discard it. Replace it with a new waste ink tank and reassemble the printer. Now, run a power cycle on the device. This usually resets the waste ink counter and clears the Error 5B00.
If the error persists, you may have to reset the waste ink counter. To do this, you need special software that is available online. Connect the printer to the computer and follow the on-screen instructions to reset the counter.
If the error is still there, your printer may be malfunctioning and require professional repair. Contact the customer helpline or a local repair shop to get the printer fixed.
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