
1,什么软件能把自己拍的视频加上字幕随便去一个网站(爱奇艺,优酷,土豆)找到上传,里面有专门的视频编辑软件,操作简单<p>(会声会影) 11.0.0157.0 plus 简体中文 免费软件(已注册)<br>多特软件下载地址 <a href="http://wenwen.soso.com/z/urlalertpage.e?sp=shttp%3a%2f%2fwww.duote.com%2fsoft%2f9459.html" target="_blank">http://www.duote.com/soft/9459.html</a></p> <p><br>全套视频教程 <a href="http://wenwen.soso.com/z/urlalertpage.e?sp=shttp%3a%2f%2fhi.baidu.com%2fwyl8%2fblog%2fitem%2fd36b243fd24a54ed54e723d4.html" target="_blank">http://hi.baidu.com/wyl8/blog/item/d36b243fd24a54ed54e723d4.html</a></p>
2,手机上有什么可以给视频添加字幕的软件吗手机上支持外挂字幕的播放软件有好几个,推荐使用MXPlayer或者MXPlayerPro,前者是普通版,免费,后者是专业版,收费MXPlayer支持srt,ass,ssa等类型的外挂字幕在手机上安装MXPlayer后,在设置中,选择“开启字幕”在电脑上下在视频文件和对应的字幕文件,拷贝到手机,存放在相同文件夹,文件的基本名相同,使用MXPlayer播放电影,就可以自动加载字幕了如果有多条字幕 , 还可以在播放时,在多条字幕中选择不废话,快影打开爱剪辑手机版 , 点击“视频编辑”,点击“动画字幕”,选择想要编辑的视频 。点击“开始制作”,选择一个制作比例,点击“字幕”,调整添加字幕的时间 。点击“+”符号,输入字幕,点击“确定” , 调整好字母的大小和位置,点击“对号”即可 。手机可以给视频添加字幕的软件有很多 , 一般的如小影 ,乐秀都是完全可以办到的 。首先点击首页底部中间的按钮,然后就会看到,左上方有个剪辑按钮,点击进入 , 接着选择要添加的视频,最后点击下一步 。进入编辑界面之后,进入“效果”界面,也就是右下角的按钮 , 然后在效果中就要字幕 。点击字幕,然后输入要添加的字,选择自己喜欢的字体样式和颜色 , 就OK啦!
3,有什么可以制作视频软件的可以在视频上写字adobe premiere~或者绘声绘影视频上做字就是字幕吧用卡拉OK字幕制作软件或者用premiere pro直接 可以运行系统自带的Windows Movie Maker=T&T团队=共享智慧= ==路径:C:\Program Files\Movie Maker\moviemk.exe最新 Windows Movie Maker 2.6 - 简体中文版(微软官方)软件大小: 5.00MB 软件语言: 简体中文http://www.9553.com/soft/481.htm.巨星MTV2002制作系统-绝对好用-破解版&海量边框语言:普通话=T&T团队=共享智慧=软件下载页面:http://lib.verycd.com/2005/08/18/0000061455.html http://www.softii.com/downinfo/36075.htmlPowerDirector(威力导演) V7.00.1268┊完整专业视频生成工具┊多国语言免费版威力导演是一套制作CD、DVD电影作品的完全解决方案,可让使用者进行采集、编辑、选单制作、及烧录电影作品于DVD、VCD、SVCD及MiniDVD光盘,轻松撷取影像及编辑影片,同时还拥有独特的光盘制作精灵,让你快速简易地执行影片制作及烧录 。威力导演具备专业级好莱坞影片特效功能,独家之智能型高速不失真影片输出技术 SVRT , 可快速编辑处理影片,新增之DV-AVI格式支持,让初学者立刻上手成为专业级的影片导演=T&T团队=共享智慧=软件下载页面: : http://www.greendown.cn/soft/2632.htmlPConline视频教程专栏为您提供大量Photoshop, Flash, Dreamweaver, 3DS Max, 视频后期处理, 常用软件, 微软Office等视频教程,帮助您迅速掌握热门软件!会声会影9.0 是一款面向家庭用户的视频后期处理编辑软件 。它具有易学易用的特点,通过我们的《会声会影9.0 视频特效》在线视频教程,可以让你轻轻松松的自己DIY精彩的特效电影 。下载:会声会影下载请点击这里具体网址: http://www.pconline.com.cn/pcedu/sj/media/video/0512/733836.html会声会影9 简体中文免安装精简版 :http://www1.cm520.com/Software/Catalog85/427.html 会声会影9 简体中文免安装增强版:http://www.mylove520.com/soft/113/114/2006/50020711181.html 会声会影9的教程:http://www.pconline.com.cn/pcedu/sj/media/video/0512/733836.html 【视频自动生成字幕软件,什么软件能把自己拍的视频加上字幕】
4,手机有没有自动生成字幕的软件喜欢一片美国电影但没有字幕有没自动生成字幕的不可能的,字幕文件都是人为配上去的楼主是像看什么电影呢?或者我可以找给你我觉得这种文章属于无法翻译的那种,运用了太多的语言特异的技巧 。似乎有人尝试把其中的误拼换成中文的对应物,但是计算机时代只有别字没有错字 , 估计会使效果大打折扣吧 。像赵元任译的jabberwocky , 几乎无法在电脑上观看 。没有新造字恐怕是中文在网络时代最大的损失 。flowers for algernonby daniel keyesprogris riport 1—martch 5, 1965dr. strauss says i shud rite down what i think and evrey thing that happins to me from now on. i dont know why but he says its importint so they will see if they will use me. i hope they use me. miss kinnian says maybe they can make me smart. i want to be smart. my name is charlie gordon. i am 37 years old and 2 weeks ago was my birthday. i have nuthing more to rite now so i will close for today. progris riport 2—martch 6i had a test today. i think i faled it. and i think that maybe now they wont use me. what happind is a nice young man was in the room and he had some white cards with ink spilled all over them. he sed charlie what do you see on this card. i was very skared even tho i had my rabits foot in my pockit because when i was a kid i always faled tests in school and i spilled ink to.i told him i saw a inkblot. he said yes and it made me feel good. i thot that was all but when i got up to go he stopped me. he said now sit down charlie we are not thru yet. then i dont remember so good but he wantid me to say what was in the ink. i dint see nuthing in the ink but he said there was picturs there other pepul saw some picturs. i coudnt see any picturs. i reely tryed to see. i held the card close up and then far away. then i said if i had my glases i coud see better i usally only ware my glases in the movies or tv but i said they are in the closit in the hall. i got them. then i said let me see that card agen i bet ill find it now.
