
Error 5b00 means printer ink waste absorber full and you need to replace the ink waste absorber. The ink waste absorber is like a filter for holding extra ink which is released during printing, scanning, or cleaning. It needs to be changed every once in a while to avoid clog and malfunction.
Here are the steps to replace the ink waste absorber in your printer:
【错误号码5b00】1. Turn off the printer and unplug its power cord.
2. Open the front cover and remove any paper or cartridges that are present inside.
3. Carefully remove the ink waste absorber located at the bottom of the printer.
4. Now, insert a new absorbent pad into the same place where the old one was removed.
5. Put back the paper or cartridge tray inside and close the front cover.
6. Plug in the power cord and turn on the printer.
Once the procedure is completed, your printer should be good to go. You may also need to perform a reset to reset the printer’s internal settings. You can find instructions on how to do so in the user manual of your printer.
These steps should help you fix the error 5b00 in your printer. If you still encounter any issue, contact a professional or visit the support site of your printer manufacturer.
