
1,请教各种程序语言的比较C程序语言是基础语言 , 它是面向过程的程序语言 。JAVA程序语言比C语言高一级,它是面向对象的程序语言 。JHYT7FT576
2,各种编程语言的区别没听说过C+这种语言,兄弟你太逗了 。C语言是面向过程的语言,C++/JAVA/C#是面向对象的语言,当然C++不是完全的面向对象的语言 。易语言就一个山寨语言,强烈建议想学点东西的不要学这语言 。面向过程和面向对象不知道什么意思的话,你需要经过专门的学习才知道 。
3,求各类编程语言的比较论文几种主流编程语言的特点与比较王良莹(辽宁对外经贸学院信息技术系,大连116052)摘要: 计算机编程语言种类很多,但仅有少数几种语言得到了比较广泛的应用 。本文选择了C 语言、VB、VB.NET 和Java 作为讨论对象,首先总结比较了它们的数据类型、控制语句的语法,然后对编码规则的细节进行了阐述,最后讨论了这几门语言的技术性能特点 。关键词: 数据类型;控制语句;编码规则;技术性能The characteristics and comparisons of certain mainstream programming languageWANG Liangying(Information Technology Department Liaoning University of International Business and Economics , Dalian 116052 )【Abstract】There are many kinds of computer programming languages, but only a few of them can be applied comparativelywidely. This thesis has chose C Language, VB, VB.NET and Java as the objects to debate. First, summarize and comparetheir data types and grammar of control sentences; then, expatiate the detail encoding rules; finally, discuss the technologyperformance characteristics of these kinds of languages.【Key words】Data Type; Control Sentence; Encoding Rule; Technology Performance你好,我检索到了相关论文资料 , 需要的话请加我QQ,497267666,谢谢【主流编程语言对比,请教各种程序语言的比较】
