
1,什么是IT技术IT是InformationTechnology的缩写,意为“信息技术”,包含现代计算机、网络、通讯等信息领域的技术 。现在我们自己认为和计算机相关的就是
2 , IT行业具体是涉及什么的IT是Information Technology的缩写,意为“信息技术” , 包含现代计算机、网络、通讯等信息领域的技术 。再具体嘛,你自己去找吧,IT 人士不像你这样哟,。
3,it包括哪些IT是信息技术的简称,Information Technology,指与信息相关的技术 IT有以下三部分组成 1.-----传感技术 这是人的感觉器官的延伸与拓展 , 最明显的例子是条码阅读器 2.;-----通信技术 这是人的神经系统的延伸与拓展,承担传递信息的功能 3.;-----计算机技术 这是人的大脑功能延伸与拓展 , 承担对信息进行处理的功能【it技术,什么是IT技术】
4,什么是It技术InformationTechnology 即信息技术的英文简称计算机有关的,也就是信息技术信息技术( IT ) ,其定义是由美国信息科技协会 ( ITAA报告) ,是"研究,设计,开发,实施,支持和管理,以计算机为基础的信息系统 ,特别是应用软件和计算机硬件"。IT deals with the use of electronic computers and computer software to convert , store , protect , process , transmit , and securely retrieve information.它涉及使用电子计算机和计算机软件的 转换 , 存储 , 保护 , 处理 , 传输 ,并安全地 检索信息 。Today, the term information technology has ballooned to encompass many aspects of computing and technology , and the term is more recognizable than ever before.今天,任期信息技术已经膨胀,以涵盖许多方面的计算和技术 ,以及任期内更可辨识远远超过以往 。The information technology umbrella can be quite large, covering many fields.信息技术的保护伞,可以达到相当规模,涵盖了许多领域 。IT professionals perform a variety of duties that range from installing applications to designing complex computer networks and information databases.资讯科技专才执行了各式各样的职责范围内,从安装应用程序设计复杂的计算机网络和信息数据库 。A few of the duties that IT professionals perform may include data management , networking , engineering computer hardware, database and software design , as well as the management and administration of entire systems.数的职责IT专业人员从事可能包括数据管理 , 网络建设 , 工程计算机硬件,数据库和软件设计 ,以及管理和行政的整个系统 。When computer and communications technologies are combined, the result is information technology, or "infotech".当计算机和通信技术相结合,其结果是信息技术,或"资讯"。Information Technology (IT) is a general term that describes any technology that helps to produce, manipulate, store, communicate, and/or disseminate information.信息技术( IT )是一个统称,描述任何技术协助制作,操作,存储,沟通和/或传播信息 。Presumably, when speaking of Information Technology (IT) as a whole, it is noted that the use of computers and information are associated.据推测,在谈到信息技术( IT )作为一个整体,据指出,目前使用的计算机和信息是联系在一起的 。5 , 请问一下IT是什么啊Information Technology的缩写.IT是信息技术的缩写英文Information TechnologyIT should be a business and the industry, including a lot of different occupations, professional and information technology are related. In fact, said IT (information technology InfomationTechnology-), including scope, including space satellites to large and small companies to a typist with the IT-related, but we are discussing the scope of the initial limited to computer technology and industry application. IT is an abbreviation of information technology, Information Technology, refers to information-related technologies. Different people and different books have different interpretation. But basically we all agree that one view is that IT has the following three components: This sensor technology is an extension of the sensory organ and development, the most obvious example is the bar code reader; ICT This is the extension of the nervous system and the expansion of the functions to impart information; Computer technology is the extension and expansion of brain function, its commitment to information processing functions. Information is the so-called use of information technology to transform industries and other sectors so as to enhance business efficiency. In this process the information technology assume the role of an effective tool. Incidentally say what the IT industry, there is a broad classification, can be used for reference: IT infrastructure technology provides IC R & D, software development such as INTEL, MS IT technology products and components, parts and components manufacturers elite, and so the public Integration of IT products and computer peripherals makers such as Lenovo, IBM IT products systematic solutions, and information systems such as Huawei, HP IT product distribution channels, such as Digital China sales IT products and services such as consulting services and service blue Express Public opinion support the IT industry in IT media, such as CCW, CCID IT industry third-party service matching the needs of the services, such as legal advice and PR services IT training reserve officers of various institutions such as computer professionals 计算机业Information Technology的缩写 称信息技术 是主要用于管理和处理信息所采用的各种技术的总称 。它主要是应用计算机科学和通信技术来设计、开发、安装和实施信息系统及应用软件 。它也常被称为信息和通信技术(Information and Communications Technology, ICT) 。IT应是一个行业,而这个行业包括了很多不同的职业,这些职业都是和信息技术相关的 。其实说到IT(InfomationTechnology-信息技术)包括范围之广,大到包括航天卫星,小到一个公司的打字员都与IT有关,不过我们目前讨论范围初步限于与电脑技术及其行业应用 。IT是信息技术的简称,Information Technology,指与信息相关的技术 。不同的人和不同的书上对此有不同解释 。但一个基本上大家都同意的观点是,IT有以下三部分组成: 传感技术 这是人的感觉器官的延伸与拓展,最明显的例子是条码阅读器; 通信技术 这是人的神经系统的延伸与拓展,承担传递信息的功能; 计算机技术 这是人的大脑功能延伸与拓展,承担对信息进行处理的功能 。所谓信息化是用信息技术来改造其他产业与行业,从而提高企业的效益 。在这个过程中信息技术承担了一个得力工具的角色 。顺便说一句何谓IT产业,有一个大致的分类,可以供大家参考: IT基础技术的提供 IC研发、软件编写 如INTEL、MS等 IT技术产品化 元器件、部件、组件制造 如精英、大众等 IT产品集成化 计算机及外设制造商 如联想、IBM IT产品系统化 解决方案、信息系统 如华为、HP IT产品流通 渠道、销售 如神州数码 IT产品服务 咨询服务和售后服务 如蓝色快车 IT产业舆论支持 IT类媒体 如CCW、CCID IT产业第三方服务 各种需要配套的服务 如法律咨询、PR服务 IT后备人员培养 各种院校 如计算机专业 IT产业合作组织 各种协会、集会 。信息技术
