
go语言现在很重要么??Go作为Google2009年推出的语言,其被设计成一门应用于搭载 Web 服务器,存储集群或类似用途的巨型中央服务器的系统编程语言 。
对于高性能分布式系统领域而言,Go 语言无疑比大多数其它语言有着更高的开发效率 。它提供了海量并行的支持,这对于 游戏 服务端的开发而言是再好不过了 。
到现在Go的开发已经是完全开放的 , 并且拥有一个活跃的社区 。
这个不用多做介绍,作为开发Go语言的公司,当仁不让 。Google基于Go有很多优秀的项目,比如: ,大家也可以在Github上查看更多Google的Go开源项目 。
Facebook也在用 , 为此他们还专门在Github上建立了一个开源组织facebookgo , 大家可以通过访问查看facebook开源的项目,比如著名的是平滑升级的grace 。
腾讯作为国内的大公司,还是敢于尝试的,尤其是Docker容器化这一块 , 他们在15年已经做了docker万台规模的实践 , 具体可以参考
目前所知的百度的使用是在运维这边 , 是百度运维的一个BFE项目,负责前端流量的接入 。他们的负责人在2016年有分享,大家可以看下这个
阿里巴巴具体的项目不太清楚,不过听说其系统部门、CDN等正在招Go方面的人 。
京东云消息推送系统、云存储,以及京东商城等都有使用Go做开发 。
小米对Golang的支持,莫过于运维监控系统的开源 , 也就是
此外,小米互娱、小米商城、小米视频、小米生态链等团队都在使用Golang 。
Go语言可以说是开发效率和运行效率二者的完美融合,天生的并发编程支持 。Go语言支持当前所有的编程范式 , 包括过程式编程、面向对象编程以及函数式编程 。程序员们可以各取所需、自由组合、想怎么玩就怎么玩 。
这包括互联网应用、系统编程和网络编程 。Go里面的标准库基本上已经是非常稳定了 , 特别是我这里提到的三个,网络层、系统层的库非常实用 。
我相信这一点是很多人选择Go的最大理由 , 因为部署太方便了,所以现在也有很多人用Go开发运维程序 。
它包含了降低心智的并发和简易的数据同步,我觉得这是Go最大的特色 。之所以写正确的并发、容错和可扩展的程序如此之难,是因为我们用了错误的工具和错误的抽象,Go可以说这一块做的相当简单 。
Go拥有强大的编译检查、严格的编码规范和完整的软件生命周期工具,具有很强的稳定性 , 稳定压倒一切 。那么为什么Go相比于其他程序会更稳定呢?这是因为Go提供了软件生命周期(开发、测试、部署、维护等等)的各个环节的工具,如go tool、gofmt、go test 。
1.执行性能 缩短API的响应时长,解决批量请求访问超时的问题 。在Uwork的业务场景下,一次API批量请求 , 往往会涉及对另外接口服务的多次调用,而在之前的PHP实现模式下 , 要做到并行调用是非常困难的,串行处理却不能从根本上提高处理性能 。而GO语言不一样,通过协程可以方便的实现API的并行处理,达到处理效率的最大化 。依赖Golang的高性能HTTP Server,提升系统吞吐能力,由PHP的数百级别提升到数千里甚至过万级别 。
2.开发效率 GO语言使用起来简单、代码描述效率高、编码规范统一、上手快 。通过少量的代码,即可实现框架的标准化,并以统一的规范快速构建API业务逻辑 。能快速的构建各种通用组件和公共类库 , 进一步提升开发效率,实现特定场景下的功能量产 。
Go语言近两年的发展速度还是非常快的,一方面Go语言有强大的行业背书,另一方面Go语言在设计时充分考虑了当前的编程环境,加强了大数据量、高并发等应用场景的处理能力,强调编程语言自身对于处理性能的追求 , 相信Go语言在未来大数据和人工智能相关技术逐渐落地应用的背景下,会有一个较为广阔的发展空间 。
年薪百万的阿里P8,为何沦为“水货”最近听到一个故事,让我感触颇深 。
说的是一个创业公司砸百万年薪,请来阿里P8做CTO,结果却不尽如人意 。
公司认为阿里P8名不副实,公司用GO语言,P8只会JAVA;公司要做APP , P8只会写Web;公司要造自己的轮子,P8只会用开源工具,更重要的是,这位P8前端、算法一窍不通 。
而在阿里能升到P8,自然不可能是“水货”,所以在这位P8看来,是公司流程不规范,让自己一身才能无处施展,堂堂技术大牛,沦为打杂帮工 。
但仔细一看,双方说得都没毛病 , 问题究竟出在哪里?
其实就是创业公司需要软件开发全才,却招来了大厂出身的技术专才,到头来就是牛头不对马嘴,闹得双方都不愉快 。
软件工程作为一个发展超过50年的成熟行业,在一线互联网公司 , 软件开发已经是一个成体系的流水线式作业 。
阿里巴巴作为国内最有代表性的互联网企业之一,其软件开发已成规模 , 开发模式就是一条完备的流水线式作业 。
如此,软件开发就要求流程化、规范化,需求、设计、开发、测试、修BUG、发布、维护 , 每个环节都有专人负责,大家各司其职,互不干涉 。
看起来像生产车间的开发模式 , 是经过阿里多年沉淀得出的行之有效的结果 。
在大公司,开发需要多人甚至多个团队协作 , 如果分工不清,必定乱成一锅粥 。
所以规模越大的互联网公司 , 程序员干的事情反而越机械,在软件开发的流水线上做着增删查改的螺丝钉 。
这样做的好处也是显而易见的,一方面,肯定是提高工作效率,另一方面,如果有人离职,不会对其他开发环节造成影响 , 并且这种专人专岗也更容易找到顶替者 。
而小公司难以支撑这么大的团队,只能找最少的人,干最多的活 。
这种人才就是全栈工程师 , 典型特征就是会很多技术,前端后端都精通,既能写代码,又能做测试搞运维,无论是写网站还写APP都不在话下 。
乍一看,一个人搞定软件开发全流程,这也是初创公司喜欢找全栈工程师的主要原因 。
但对于个人来说,时间精力都是有限的,很难做到技术广度和深度兼顾,所以很多全栈工程师看起来牛逼轰轰 , 但实际上外强中干,这也是很多大公司没有全栈工程师的原因 。
所以小公司即使有了全栈工程师,也不能就此高枕无忧 。
虽然全栈工程师一个人可以完成一个团队的工作,看起来控制了成本,实际上却在无形中增加了隐性成本 。
一方面,如果项目临时出BUG,没有专业人才来解决 , 而全栈工程师或因分身乏术,或因技艺不精,使得问题得不到及时解决,极有可能分分钟就损失几十上百万 。
另一方面,如果一个项目进行到一半,全栈工程师走了,想要找到另一个能完全匹配该项目的全栈,可谓是难上加难 。要知道,创业公司因为技术团队关键人物离职直接导致项目失败的案例,屡见不鲜 。
说来说去,这问题都是出在人身上 。软件工程这个行业看着风光,实际上还在使用最原始的手工作坊模式 , 每一行代码都要手工敲写、测试 。
这也是互联网大厂开发项目应用流水线模式作业的根本原因,可就是苦了小公司 , 大规模团队养不起,全栈工程师又极有可能不靠谱 。
话说回来 , 制造业手工作坊现在都是机器作业 , 那软件工程是否能实现自动化呢?
程序员只需要设计软件,代码的编写、测试 , 以及后期软件运维,直接让工具完成 。
这样一来,公司不需要投入大量人力,就可以完成软件开发,简直是直接治愈小公司的痛处啊 。
就如阿里出品的钉钉宜搭和腾讯出品的微搭,都是不需要敲写代码就能完成程序的搭建 。
但它们都存在一个问题,那就是产生的服务或应用则都必须与平台绑定,导致诸多的特性都需依赖于特定的低代码平台才可以实现,这样一来,很大程度上无法保证系统的品质及安全 。
有!它就是飞算SoFlu全自动软件工程平台 , 其理念就是把软件工程从“人治”变成“法治”,让软件工程摆脱对人的依赖 。
只要通过拖拉拽组件的方式输入流程图,平台就能自动完成开发、测试、运维 。把中小企业控制成本的痛点拿捏得死死的 。
在硬件方面,飞算SoFlu提供的是SaaS服务 , 在浏览器就能进行软件开发,无需搭建环境,对硬件基本没有要求 。
在人员方面,无需敲写代码的可视化开发,大幅降低软件开发的技术门槛,即使是没有任何开发经验的小白,经过短时间培训也能轻松上手 。
由于大部分工作由平台自动完成,所以应用飞算SoFlu,一个人就能完成传统开发模式下10人的工作量 , 极大减少企业人力成本支出 。
且标准化的组件会将开发经验都会积累在平台内部,即使项目主要参与者离开,也不会影响其正常进度 。
据了解,飞算SoFlu现在有30天的免费试用期,用一下就知道香不香了 。
总经理离职祝福英语相聚与离别似乎是人生中永远不停歇的音符go语言负责人离职,如同品一杯苦涩的咖啡go语言负责人离职,离别的苦涩留在口中,而甘醇的香味伴随着岁月的沉淀,永远留在记忆里!以下是go语言负责人离职我精心收集整理的总经理离职祝福,下面我就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧 。
1, people have joys and sorrows, on rain or shine round, it is difficult tocomplete the ancient, leave do not have to be too sad, today's separation isonly the beginning of the next encounter!
May our friendship last forever. May you dream and live together in the daysto come.
3, the weather turns cool, distant friends, please remember to add clothes,although we are far away, but you always in my heart, never forgotten. Dearfriend, you will always be a light in my life. It's cold. Don't catch cold.
4, a day to work, go off work, have a casual, insipid, casual between nodded,casual greetings, casual in, the original rusty becomes familiar, seems to bewithout spending too much time and process, maybe this is the fate of a friend,don't have much time, occasionally chat is also very short, but I think of theseas a also division also friend friendship, perhaps really memorable place is notmuch, but I will put these memories in the drawer, take out occasionallyaftertaste!
5, the road of life, leaving too many footprints, there are deep and shallow,maybe this experience can be considered rich, but sometimes would rather dull,indifferent, but often can't let myself have such a calm state of mind, to faceI don't want to face, don't want to know things!
6, life is a fate, acquaintance is now, is destined to know each other, Ihope we cherish this period of common spent days, life after a more happy, lessa worry and sorrow. A final "Take care of my friends".
7, tomorrow morning line do not, I hope the clouds, the sun has been with youto go to the distant horizon; Flowers and grass are with you, spreading yourdistant future.
8, I cherish every acquaintance in life, every minute of warmth betweenheaven and earth, every tacit understanding between friends; Even parting isregarded as a double joy when we meet again.
There is no goodbye, you have disappeared on the horizon. I stood as still asa young tree. Second, my heart is with you. I wonder if you realize?
10. A day of photography? My instant consciousness only together with theflash light bright: your beautiful image stay in the negative, at the same timebranded in my heart.
11, the lights think good friends, small news children pass good news. Hopefriends see news as people, always do not forget the heart of friends.
The road of life is long, we meet and separate. Reunion is always short,separation is long, only wish each other's heart can be closely together, neverseparate.
13, waving goodbye, sailing, forget, is that you throw the rope offriendship, imperceptibly firmly in my heart.
14, your exhort, in my mind the waves of far-reaching sound, sending out aquiet orchid fragrance.
15, green mountains do not change green water long flow, fate again! See yousoon!
Quietly you go, as you quietly came, you pass a resignation letter, did nottake away a group of subordinates, really TM not interesting enough.
A friend is always heart to heart, a bosom friend is worth a thousand gold.Think under the light of good friends, small news children pass good news. Hopefriends see news as people, always do not forget the heart of friends.
18, parting, is a bit difficult to give up in the heart, worried about themood full heart; Parting, is the spread of regret, blessing words filled withhis eyes, I wish you believe that the day of reunion will not be far away.
Can not keep time to separate us, please keep my affection in your heart.White clouds leisurely toward flying dusk crossing, I will always hold it togreet you.
20, one is the memory of the work together in the past, two is tocongratulate him on promotion, career, three is the hope of friendship forever,often contact; I wish you all a successful career and a happy family.
1, the building from the spring breeze, hang branches fluttering in the eastand west, the memory of parting, break willow send, heavy oath. The wild geesecome and go after a few autumn and winter. When will you come back, drink anddream again?
2, this time should be far away, hold the pen, the paper is moving, not wantto say, I pause and then goodbye.
3, whether the tea is thick or light, let the fragrance always in the heart;No matter the distance is near or far, let the memory connect with each other;No matter how much or how little contact, let the blessing always unchanged!
Quietly you went as quietly as you came; You wave a wave sleeve, did not takea MM, the elder brothers, the an dozen heart thank you!
5, the green mountain is still in, green water slender flow. Once we worktogether, we are friends all our lives.
6, all good things come to an end, welcome new colleagues to see off oldcolleagues, life every day is the same thing. People have joys and sorrows, onrain or shine round, it is difficult to complete the ancient, leave do not haveto be too sad, below some parting blessing words hope to open a window of theheart, this day is only the beginning of the next encounter!
7, green mountains do not change green water long flow, fate again! See yousoon!
8, the earth is round, this day of parting is for the reunion of anotherday.
9, When the eese-pot wine goblet, and you drink, talk and laugh!
10, meet again farewell, farewell to meet again; Autumn wind blowing in thewilderness, only a moment. I will cherish your friendship and look forward tothe time when we meet.
1, quietly you go, as you quietly came, you pass a resignation letter, didnot take a group of subordinates, really not meaning.
2. No problem. After half a year, he was able to recognize several people, sohe became a bosom friend. The day is buried in work
3, parting words, the right to encourage: respective treasure, tenaciouswork, keep good luck!
4, tomorrow morning line do not, I hope the cloud sun has always accompaniedyou to the distant horizon; Flowers and grass are with you, spreading yourdistant future.
【go语言负责人离职的简单介绍】 5, parting, is a little hard to give up, but not disappointed; It is a pity,but not pessimistic. Because we have the hope of meeting in comfort.
6, all this trivial, although for the past, but such as the shadow of thepast, even if there is no trace of memory, also can not forget.
7, dear friends please not sad, after parting to take care of each other.Bloom the most gorgeous smile, give tomorrow more beautiful dream.
8, time flies, I am fleeting, like a blink of an eye. It has been half a yearsince winter came and spring came.
9, looking forward to the beginning, fortunately to join the company, andthen deeply by everyone to take care of, ear to ear, care for the feeling,
10, my friends, we will be temporarily parting, "take care of" words, I willnot say. In the night which has not gone away, we cast a few small morningstars. Not much light, but enough to please the early traveller.
1, tomorrow morning, I hope the clouds, the sun has been with you to go tothe distant horizon; Flowers and grass are with you, spreading your distantfuture.
2, I am a lucky man, someone give me care, someone give me help, someone sendme warm, these people are my leaders and colleagues, I will never forget yourhelp, today I am full of gratitude, to you show my most sincere thanks!
3, think about once deskmate of us, after the college entrance examinationeach ran his future, the heart is really not give up. Students, the future moretreasure!
4, dear leader you are really great, lead us into the world. In the wind andrain are not afraid, meet difficulties overcome it. Difficulties and hardshipstogether, the cause of development and progress. I wish you a prosperous career,a happy and harmonious family, happy every day.
5, At this crossroads, let's shake hands again: say: Take care, friend.
6, in a hurry to get together, but also to leave in a hurry; I don't knowwhen or where to get together again. Farewell, my friend, have a pleasantjourney! Also wish you in another land: love is happy! Career satisfaction!Happy life!
7, after a cloud, water for ten years. Laughter as old, thin temples havespot. Come also in a hurry, go also in a hurry, from xu thousand kinds, lookingforward to a reunion.
8, the night light around the horizon, such as crescent hook. Yesterday islike a dream, dream where to ask. Thousands of miles apart, the road is long,people worry. Please don't forget to send passers-by, ten miles long pavilion,bosom friend in the horizon, also in the neighborhood!
9, gathering and parting seems to be the notes of life will never stop, as acup of bitter coffee, leaving the bitter in the mouth, and sweet fragrance withyears of precipitation, always stay in my memory!
10, dear colleagues, I wish everyone with the attitude of success, hard life.Dear colleagues, I wish you a successful attitude to work, hard life.
11, parting is temporary, to share life is forever, parting breedlovesickness, make our love more fiery.
12, people's life, there are a lot of things can not stop, as can not stopthe pace of time, can not stop is the coming parting and give up.
Separate, is our shadow. It is our friendship that binds us. Memories, is ourplay, looking forward to, is our reunion. Blessed is our dream!
14, the wind in the corner of the running, rain in the sky smile, althoughparting in the window to keep knocking, the past days, still put me around,parting is to accept my endless prayer: I wish this life happy embrace!
15, I cherish every acquaintance in life, every minute of warmth betweenheaven and earth, every tacit understanding between friends; Even parting isregarded as a double joy when we meet again.
16, meet and bid farewell, sail and offshore, is the end of the past joy, thebeginning of the future of happiness.
17, parting, is a bit difficult to give up in the heart, worried about themood full heart; Parting, is the filar silk regret in the spread, blessing wordsfilled with eyes; May you and I not melancholy, do not be pessimistic, believethat a repeat of the day will not be far away.
Wish you smooth sailing and a successful career in the future.
19,, listen to the sound of cicadas outside the window is the lishan song;You see, the sky birds are sad tears line; You read, this message is my silentattachment, hope is another piece of friendship. Come on, buddy.
20, fly, goose! Revive your delicate wings. Waiting ahead, will not always berain and waves. This world also has the sincere friendship, spreads the peacefullake to swing for you.
21, the former may also meet again, but the latter is this life this worldnever meet! Sometimes the more afraid of leaving, leaving in front of the morewant to retain but lose faster.
22, a whistle, fall in the wilderness, infinite melancholy alone, at themoment of separation, together from the heart breeding.
A blessing, I care; One exhort, life touched. The horn of graduation has beenblown, with the blessing of the students, the teacher warned, we take the road,no matter how much wind and rain ahead, the heart will not be lonely, becauseyou have the blessing.
24, the way to leave, leave in front of you; Say goodbye, goodbye won't beforever. I'll send you off because of the grassy ground. May your road be aswide and as smooth as possible. Take care!
It is fate that makes us know each other, but fate also represents parting.Farewell today, how much do not give up and nostalgia, only the deep wish, wishyou a pleasant journey, life is always safe!
26, we use both hands to hold, let the feeling in the hands gently lifted,share an unforgettable warmth. Meet and bid farewell, sail and offshore, is theend of the past joy, but also the beginning of future happiness.
In the season of missing, please don't forget me, just as I always did notforget you.
The farther we are away, the nearer we miss, that is the only reason why welook back forever.
29, in the wind and rain, walking on the muddy road, I will think of theexplorer's road, think of you have been in the ups and downs of cynicism andsecular mud in the footsteps of firm. So, I praise: the road of wind and rain,muddy road - the road of the brave.
On the road of life, leaving too many footprints, there are deep and shallow,perhaps this experience can be considered rich, but sometimes would rather dull,indifferent, but often can't let myself have such a calm state of mind, to faceI don't want to face, don't want to know things!
Parting is for the next reunion, don't cry, concentrate on planning the nextreunion! Until the day of the reunion, let's drink and cry together, finish thecup of lovesickness together.
The sea of life has spread the golden road, spray is divided on both sidesshaking the welcome bouquet. Go boldly, my friend! To move forward.
In the dusk to you deep bow, please take care of me, although they say, I ama poor man, but in your eyes clearly write that I am rich.
Wisps of white clouds on the blue sky, it is my heart filaments parting lightsorrow; Yet my breast was as fair as the sky, for I thought of the futuremeeting.
From snow and ice to green grass, that is the road from winter to spring.From failure to success, that is your way through the snow, through the ice.
Sincere friendship, by the sun and warm wind candlelight into your heart,infiltration of your beating heart, for you to collect the four seasonssunshine, flowers for you to show. The wind of the four seasons blows the windbell of the years and plays a farewell song for you. May you always be full ofvitality in your own flower season.
37, tomorrow will travel, tonight, this trip do not know when to see youagain, it is miss, send my most sincere wish, wish my friend smooth and safe,have a sincere companion, a person's journey is not lonely!
38, do not wave your hand in changting, do not break Baling Beliu, I willwatch you go away; Do not drink yangguan liquor, do not say the bright future,all the blessings are in the relative eyes. May you have a safe journey, runningto the other side of the journey, the happiness has! Take care, my friend!
We have to separate, quietly say goodbye, the heart is kept grateful, thankyou once gave me a deep friendship.
Gently you will leave me, please wipe the tears from your eyes; Do not forgetthe deep friendship, we will be lifelong bosom friends. Farewell moment, wordsare not many, but wish you bon voyage, life is always safe!
