

  • 建议:在继续解决方案之前, 请先在{IDE}上尝试使用你的方法。
  • C ++
  • Java
  • Python3
  • C#
  • 的PHP


Input: M = 120, S = 100Output: 16.66%Input: M = 1000, S = 500Output: 50%

推荐:请尝试以下方法{IDE}首先, 在继续解决方案之前。 计算产品折扣率的数学公式为:
Discount = Marked Price - Selling priceTherefore, Discount Percentage = (Discount / Marked Price) * 100

C ++
// CPP Program to find the Discount Percentage#include < bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Function to find the Discount Percentage float discountPercentage( float S, float M) { // Calculating discount float discount = M - S; // Calculating discount percentage float disPercent = (discount / M) * 100; return disPercent; }// Driver code int main() { int M, S; M = 120; S = 100; // Setting the precision to 2 decimals cout < < std::fixed < < std::setprecision(2) < < discountPercentage(S, M) < < "%" < < endl; M = 1000; S = 500; // Setting the precision to 2 decimals cout < < std::fixed < < std::setprecision(2) < < discountPercentage(S, M) < < "%" < < endl; return 0; }

// Java Program to find the Discount Percentageimport java.util.*; import java.lang.*; import java.io.*; class GFG{// Function to find the Discount Percentage static float discountPercentage( float S, float M) { // Calculating discount float discount = M - S; // Calculating discount percentage float disPercent = (discount / M) * 100 ; return disPercent; }// Driver code public static void main(String args[]) { int M, S; M = 120 ; S = 100 ; System.out.printf( "%.2f" , discountPercentage(S, M)); System.out.println( "%" ); M = 1000 ; S = 500 ; System.out.printf( "%.2f" , discountPercentage(S, M)); System.out.println( "%" ); } }

# Python3 Program to find the # Discount Percentage# Function to find the # Discount Percentage def discountPercentage(S, M):# Calculating discount discount = M - S# Calculating discount percentage disPercent = (discount / M) * 100return disPercent# Driver code if __name__ = = '__main__' : M = 120 S = 100print (discountPercentage(S, M), "%" )M = 1000 S = 500print (discountPercentage(S, M), "%" )# This code is contribute # by ihritik

// C# Program to find the // Discount Percentage using System; class GFG {// Function to find the // Discount Percentage static float discountPercentage( float S, float M) { // Calculating discount float discount = M - S; // Calculating discount percentage float disPercent = (discount / M) * 100; return disPercent; }// Driver code static public void Main () { int M, S; M = 120; S = 100; Console.Write(discountPercentage(S, M)); Console.WriteLine( "%" ); M = 1000; S = 500; Console.Write(discountPercentage(S, M)); Console.Write( "%" ); } }// This code is contributed by Raj

< ?php // PHP Program to find the // Discount Percentage// Function to find the // Discount Percentage function discountPercentage( $S , $M ) { // Calculating discount $discount = $M - $S ; // Calculating discount percentage $disPercent = ( $discount / $M ) * 100; return $disPercent ; }// Driver code $M ; $S ; $M = 120; $S = 100; echo discountPercentage( $S , $M ), "%" , "\n" ; $M = 1000; $S = 500; echo discountPercentage( $S , $M ), "%" , "\n" ; // This code is contribute // by inder_verma ?>

